30 • Prévoir

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Prévoir (verb) to predict; to anticipate; to foresee

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Prévoir (verb) to predict; to anticipate; to foresee

I couldn't believe the words, you could be my first, had left my mouth. Or that I'd worked up the nerve to straddle his lap like I'd done this before.

But here I was, waiting for his answer, wondering how this night was going to end and if I'd feel different after it did.

Bastien was staring at me like a war was raging behind his eyes—a battle I don't think he'd ever fought before—between his desire to do the right thing...and me.

I hadn't forgotten what I'd heard him say last night when I caught him touching himself.

I'm going to cum so deep inside you. I'm going to give you all of me.

Now, after watching Tansy and Devlinn, I knew exactly what that meant. What it looked like and how good it would feel.

Remembering the way he'd fisted his hard length with my name on his lips had my stomach tightening in anticipation. But more than that, I wanted him just as badly. Deep down, I wanted to take all of him.

His breath mingled with mine in the inches between our lips.

I was nervous for what came next, but being here with Bastien felt like an inevitability.

Carefully, I set my palms on his chest, letting them mold around hard muscle. He reacted to my touch, inhaling deeply. Muscles flexing.

His lips were too inviting, and once again, the overwhelming sense that we'd shared a kiss I couldn't remember tingled on the edges of my consciousness.

Distracting myself from the sense of deja vu, my fingers danced to the first button on his shirt, and I pushed it through the hole, loosening the collar.

He didn't move. Didn't speak. Just stared at me as I worked. His gaze heating my cheeks.

Two more buttons came undone, and at last, I saw his necklace again—the one with the dark red stone glowing and pulsing with warm light.

I ran my finger over the perfectly cut edge of the gemstone, which was set inside a gold pendant and was warm despite the cool temperature of his skin.

As I did, another wave of deja vu settled over me, leaving me lightheaded.

"What is this?" I asked, my eyes crinkling at the corners as I tried and failed to remember something that was just beyond my ability to recall.

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