23 • Parler

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Parler (verb) to speak, to talk

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Parler (verb) to speak, to talk

Bastien could act as self-righteous as he wanted, but I knew the truth. He touched me.

At any time, he could've sent me away, but he hadn't. He'd invited me to get closer.

He'd pulled me into his lap and made me come for him. Touching me like no one else. Unraveling me like a spool of thread.

Now he was punishing me like this was all my fault.

Guilt, shame, and frustration had me clenching my jaw and balling my hands into fists.

Natalia stood beside me, glaring into the darkness as if she, too, was cursing him for being such an arrogant bastard.

After the sound of hoofbeats died, Natalia whipped around, her long ponytail nearly smacking me in the face. "Come on, Claire. Dinner time."

I didn't move when she stepped toward the circling of tents. I continued to stare into the darkness as anger rose inside of me, hot and fresh.

Fine. Have it your way, Bastien.

If he never wanted to touch me again, then so be it. I never wanted him to touch me again, either.

This whole thing proved just how much of a monster Bastien Allard truly was. It also proved just how stupid I was for thinking my plan to woo him might actually work.

My shoulders slumped, and the hot press of tears burned in the back of my throat.

Mama was right. I wasn't smart. Both of the plans I'd hatched to trick information out of the vampire prince had failed miserably. Now, more than ever, I needed to stick to what my family had told me to do.

Be the pincushion he desired. Soft and sweet and demure. Gaining enough of his trust to sneak around behind his back.

Bastien told me he was my prince, not my lover, and I'd be foolish to think otherwise.

I wasn't good enough for anyone. Not even a vampire.

"Didn't you hear me, little orphan girl?" Natalia prodded. "I have orders to follow, and so do you."

Her demanding voice grated on me, and I struggled to harness the sweetness I was supposed to be showing these vampires. I was too frustrated. Too angry. Too bitter.

A breeze blew over my shoulder, and behind me, Natalia groaned. "What in gods name do you want?"

I turned to find Tyson had joined us at the edge of camp. He looked wholly out of place among the trees and tents. A shiny penny trapped at the bottom of a dark well.

I might not be a shiny penny, but I felt just as out of place as he was.

He casually ran a hand through his chin-length black hair, and the smooth strands fell back into place. He glanced at me and, winking, said, "I thought I heard someone ask what a harem is?"

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