Dorm Room 210: Sunshine Blues

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Author Note: Updated and Edited on 19th of January 2018 (Happy belated New Year)

So... I know you're mad. I'm mad too. But as the great Kylo Ren said, "Let the past die" and I think that's beautiful. Kinda wish this story rated up to explicit, would've been nice to write some... stuff. LOL

Wish this was a finished book because I wouldn't have to tell you this BUT AS A REMINDER - Lillian has mental illness, so if you find her moods all over the place, that's because she has it. Enjoy!

Chapter 18:

Sunshine Blues

A shiver runs down my spine with a desperate need to throw up. I really shouldn't have had that last drink, no matter how in-the-moment it was. My head bangs with a steady thud, and the back of my eyes hang with weights. I never want to leave this bed at all!

I press closer in my covers, not wanting to move no matter how much my body is telling me to. Movement shifts. But of course, some else couldn't understand what I need right now.

Just as I go to mumble at them, an arm comes around me, and heat runs up my back. Legs mingle with my own, and their breath blows out on my hair. My eyes peal open in alert. Wait. Wait...

This is not my bed.

The arm tightens its hold on me, and the person sighs with a grunt. I swallow an invisible lump in my throat and shift, but they hold onto me.

And then I hear him. "Stop moving, Sunshine. Tryn'a get comfy."

It must be from adrenaline, because one minute I don't want to move, and the next I'm pealing back the covers and leaving the bed like its sheets are burning me up. I stumble until I can take a few moments to breathe and think. Noah, with messy brown hair falling into his eyes, lies in bed shirtless with his eyes closed and arms open.

"Where're you going?" His fingers motions to 'come here' until they fall back on the mattress. I stay where I am, words juggling itself in my head.

But I find myself wanting them to shut up. Because... God, does he look gorgeous lying the way he is, peeking through his lashes to look up at me. The sun coming through the red curtains give the room a glow, even with a beam landing across him.

I want to dive right back in and ignore the questions pounding behind the headache. Everything is silent except for the stutter of my heart and the shifting of sheets beneath him, as if to lure me back in its comforts.

Noah then sits up with an elbow, a smile tracing his face. "You okay?"

My thumb aims beside me. "I need to go pee."

He watches me. His thumb runs over the dent of his pillow where my head had rested, as if I was still there. I'm starting to lose my breath all over again. Noah raises a brow. "You going to the bathroom or not? I really want you back."

"Yeah." I walk aimlessly to the room, shutting it in almost a daze. "Yeah."

The cool bathroom tiles slap me wide awake as I aim towards the sink. Cold water splashes against the heat of my skin, around my neck and on my face, and despite the cool temperature in this winter, I seem to need it.

When I look in the reflection of messy blonde hair in a rough ponytail and smudge mascara on the bottom of lashes, a rush of confusion collides headfirst inside my mind as I recall bits and pieces of the night. Lots of it had to do with the rhythmic music, the stench of alcohol, sticky falls and touching Noah... all night long.

I don't wear my clothes from last night, just a long plain shirt that smells of cinnamon and wood. I try, I really do, but his smell overwhelms me, and so I press my face against the fabric.

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