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Readers, viewers, random Wattpader's — thank you so much for all your support and kind words towards Dorm Room 210. I've been so fortunate to have received followers like yourselves. While this year hasn't been easy by any means, you all have been incredibly patient - far more patient than I would have ever been with a Wattpad book.

When I first wrote Dorm Room 210 (pronounced two-one-oh) it was back in 2012. I was in year 11 and doing horribly in my classes, but all I wanted to do was write. This story had no plan to it — none from the prologue, the car accident, or wedding — and it somehow turned out to be about a girl going through drastic changes who fell in love with her roommate and found life-long friends who all had their own story to tell. 

I'm incredibly proud of all my characters, and I would like to make personal acknowledgments to them:

To Nicole and Raven - without them I wouldn't have known about my own sexuality. They are what helped me develop this story into what it is; a story about acceptance in self identity, about control in oneself, and believing anything is possible when you have the right attitude and friends.

To Jesse and Rachel - how relationships are never easy, especially when circumstances make it so. But overtime, when life hardens up your maturity, you realise that childish behaviours cannot keep up with you as you grow (unless they're Disney and Anime).

To Stacy and Tracy  - the aunts of all aunts, both mother-figures in their own way — names that I realised sound way too basic but we're running with it. These women have fought to make sure nothing ever happened to their siblings kid, even if it meant lying. 

To Noah - the main character whose loyalties shine greatly through for those he loves. Once upon a time, back in the original copy, Noah Sky was a bad boy with terrible and disrespectful manners, all because he had family problems. He wasn't the man I wanted my main protagonist to love, and I'm glad he no longer has a mark in this story. So Noah, thank you for being sweet and respectful to all surrounding people. I'm glad we killed your doppelganger.

To Lillian - the protagonist of my heart. A character like her was meant to have peace, and I'm glad she's found it in the year she told herself to become better. Fresh from high school, despite taking me 6 years to understand her personally fully, she'd endured all that I put her through, and I'm so grateful she has made it. We all have our own character who feels more like a child than words, and she is mine. I will protect her at all costs, for she is me and I am her.

To my sunshine's - I thank you with every inch of my heart for walking with us on this very long journey. You've been a blessing — even those who gave up on the story through edits, don't worry, you've made your mark on me to keep going so no other reader falls short. Thank you all SO MUCH! I couldn't have made it without you.

While this version is still not perfect, and there are too many mistakes in plot and character development, I hereby promise to stop editing Dorm Room 210 on Wattpad.

But that won't stop me from editing her up for publication. 

I hope you continue on for the next stories of the 210 series. Every 210 couple goes through their own path.

Thank you again for reading the story of Lillian and Noah. 

With tears in my eyes, I end this story. 

Much love,




You didn't think this was the end, did you?

Check out my Patreon account where you'll find both Prequel and Sequel of the 210 series. Get involved in the discussions, the characters, and — if you're really keen — you can have the opportunity to direct where the story can go itself. 

You can find my Patreon in the external link or in my bio.

Thanks again for reading! xx

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