- Prolog2 -

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Damian's POV _ 

"....?" S**t, What? I open my eyes and everywhere is dark. Too dark I can't even see anything clearly. I trained looking inside the dark but even to me, it's hopeless. I blink few times but still, nothing. "What the," I said out loud but I can't even hear my own voice.

Where am I?

"....!" After I blink for few more time, I can see Titus, lying down and...

"Titus!" I shout, as I spot him bleeding. I try to run to him but it's no use.

What is wrong with me?

I can't hear my word but Titus moves a little and stares at me, like he can hear my shouting. "Titus, who did that to you? Titus, hu?" I shout desperately but instead of coming to me, he...

"Wait, Titus! Bat-hound! Buddy!"

He ran away, I mean he tries to ran away from me, dragging his hurt legs. "....?" I stare at the scene and notice there is something else under my face.

I look down and spot somebody's hand covered with blood, holding knives.

"... Wait, no, no. No, NO, NO!" Soon I notice the hands belong to me and I scream.

What have I done?

"Titus, please, I can explain. TITUS!" I shout but he just keeps trying to ran away.

And than, he fell down.


He doesn't move.

Few seconds past but still, no sign of life.

And soon darkness ate him up and I can't even see his body.

"Ahhhhhh!" I shout and throw the knives I was holding.


Loud sound finally echo though the darkness and I can finally hear my voice, screaming.

"Damian, come on. Don't act so weak. I raised you better than that." Woman's voice rang around and I jerk my head to face her.

"Uah, Damn!"

But the one I can see is not the one I expected.

Black figure suddenly attacks me and I fight it off.

More and more of them is pouring to me and all I can do is to fight them off.

I grab the knives I threw away and knock down the attackers.

"Mother!" I cried.

"Talia!" I scream but there is no answer. "You just talked to me, why aren't you answering!" I howl, as I punch the last monster attacking me.

"Ah, Well..." Finally she made a sound....

I can see mother walking toward me.

"That's my boy." I get goosebumps in my spine.

"Titus, because of you, he, He just.... where is...." I scream but she just laughs.

"Ah, Damian." She smiles and pats my head.

"Can't you see? You are the one who killed him."

"No!" I answer but actually I'm not sure.

"Than look," Talia points behind me and I look around.

"!" I can see myself covered in blood.

Something is reflecting me like a mirror but I'm not sure what it is. It's swaying like a liquid, reflecting my horrible form.

A clear letter 'R' is shinning at my left chest.

I try to wipe the blood off but I can't.

"You will never wash these blood on you." I shook my head madly.

"No, no it's..."

Suddenly the reflecting turned into something else.

Wait, it's still me, but...

"*Tt*......." I whisper.

It's still me but it's wearing a green silk cloth, decorated with gold threads. It matches with Talia's garment. ... Matches with League of shadow.

Where I escaped.

Why in the hell that 'me' is wearing that?

It stepped out of something that was reflecting me and smiles to me. "Stop smiling you p**k," I said and he attacks me, ignoring it.

I hate it.

I hate this.

What is this anyway?

I finally defeat 'myself' from killing me and look up to mom.

"It's over." I shout.

"I killed him."

Talia grins and points under my feet. "Oh, was he the only one you killed?"

I look under and can feel the flood of blood. Blood dabbles under my feet. The blood rose up to my ankle like a ocean. The the body's are floating above it.

Who I killed.


... No.

They were not the monsters...?

".... What have you done to me....?"

Instead of answer, Talia grabs my head and makes me look at the certain direction.

"...Dick...?" I whisper under my breath.

Babara? Tim...? Stephanie...?

"You will kill them all someday," Talia whispers.

I can feel one tear drops running down my cheek and the last thing I can see is Bruce, lying down without any motion.

"You will never escape from yourself, Damian."




"....!" I breath.


"Damn, what kind of dream is this...."

Stupid dream, I thought.

Titus ran to me and licks my face. "Titus!" I shout and hug him.

You are okay, I didn't killed you.

"I'm so sorry," Even it's just a dream.

Just a dream.

It had to be.

'You will never escape from yourself.'

Talia's word rang around my ears.

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