Chapter 42 - Surrogate Mate

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"Come and see your new coop that Atlas made" says Rose, trying to coax Henrietta and the chick into the newly constructed coop situated close to the cabin, so they can keep an eye on the chickens. Henrietta was having none of it, continuing to nest in the old hen house, situated far from the cabin.

"Oh, so you're an independent mamma now? Determined to raise that chick all on your own? I guess you did outsmart those rogues, maybe I should just leave you be. You don't want to be told where and how to live do you?" queries Rose as she offers up some food scraps to the hen and chick.

"Cluck cluck" replies Henrietta

"Yes, I know you miss Henry, he was fine rooster indeed. But the more I think about it, the more I believe you don't need a mate. What's the point of falling in love, just to have your heart broken? They knock you up and then leave you to raise the baby on your own. Rejection or death, either way, sometimes mates are just not worth it".

"Buk, buk, buk" responds the chicken.

"Yes I agree, the only person you can really rely on it this world is yourself. Maybe the two of us should just look out for each other, and that's all we really need. We can raise our babies together and be independent mammas" laments Rose.

Atlas is silently observing and listening to the she-wolf as she interacts with the chickens. Frowning at what he is hearing, he heads into the cabin; he wants to make a call on the CB radio to Redwood. There is a supply delivery due to arrive this afternoon, and he wants to see if he can add a last-minute request to the list.


"Goddess Jin, your arrangement is so beautiful. Where did you learn to do that?" Lily exclaims.

Lily and Jin are at the dining room table doing floral arrangements. Lily has put together a magnificent bouquet of roses mixed with some wild-flowers and foliage, it's a beautiful riot of colours and textures.

Jin on the other hand has selected a few key flowers to highlight, arranged with interesting textured leaves and some curly small willow branches, in a beautiful pot. The entire arrangement looks like a living sculpture.

"Cocoji, it's the art of traditional Korean flower arranging. My mother taught me back in Korea. I can teach you if you like?"

"Oh yes, I would love to learn how to do that. You've never spoken about your life back in Korea. How did you come to live in this country?" Lily notices that Jin visibly stiffens at her question.

"Do you want to soak in the hot tub? I'll go get it started, while you change into your swimsuit" Jin asks Lily, clearly trying to change the subject, as they clear the table of their mess.

"Oh ok, I just want to go out to the hen house first and drop off the lunch scraps to Henrietta and the chick. Then I'll meet you at the lake".

As Lily nears the hen house, she hears a rooster crowing. WTF?? Has Henry come back from the dead? Coming into the clearing where the hen house is situated, she sees a fine looking young black rooster puffing up his chest and crowing. The rooster is eyeing up Henrietta, who is giving him a wary side eye, and standing between him and her chick.

"Meet Ronald. I took the liberty of naming him" says Atlas, he's holding an empty cage.

"Ronald? Where did he come from?" queries Lily.

"Yes, Ronald the rooster. He just got delivered with the supply run. I requested him this morning".

"Why would you do that? Henrietta is still mourning Henry, and she doesn't want another rooster around. Look she doesn't trust him" Lily says pointing to the wary hen, who is giving the rooster a wide berth.

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