Chapter 46 - Acceptance

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The fire starts to rage in the firepit, not hot enough yet to produce the heat she needs to burn her memories. Lily has just lit the fire in the pit at the lake's edge. Alone with a box of memories, she looks up to scan the tree line. She told Atlas and Jin to stay away, this was something she needs to do on her own. Atlas has taken the Polaris and gone to Redwood pack for the day. Jin has shifted and is wandering the nearby woods in his wolf form. She knows the new Alpha exchanged words with his Beta before departing, and she suspects Jin was commanded to keep an eye on her at all times. They had only just formed their pack, and yet the two male wolves were taking to their new roles like ducks to water. Alpha Knox had been grooming Atlas to be an Alpha for some time now, so it was no surprise that Altas was assuming the role with ease. But Jin has surprised Lily. She knew he was effeminate, but now she can also see a very masculine side of Jin emerging. Lily now suspects Jin was always meant to be a Beta too. Most likely he was not only Tae's mate, but he should have stood beside him as his Beta as well, and both were meant to love and protect Mina. What an amazing triad the three of them would have made, if only Tae had been brave enough to embrace his true path.

Looking down on the box of memories she is about to burn, like Jin, her future has taken a very different path from what the moon had planned. She reaches down and pulls out a T-shirt Caden had left behind in their cabin, which she had slept in countless times after the rejection. Holding the garment up to her nose she inhales deeply, she can only just detect the slightest hints of cedar, leather and mint, Caden's scent. Tossing the garment on the fire, she watches it slowly disintegrate into ashes. Next comes the rose petals. She had meticulously gathered up all the rose petals, from the bed of roses Caden made her, and dried them out to keep. Pulling out the organza mesh bag, filled with the petals, she holds them to her chest, savouring the memory one last time. A tear runs down her check as she tosses the bag on the fire.

Her hands shake as she unfurls the rolled up sketch she did of Caden. It's a nude sketch she did of him, while he was asleep in the cabin bed. He's lying on his back asleep with one arm bent above his head, and the sheet sits low on his hips. The piece looks like a classic life drawing, Lily has expertly used shading to bring out the definition and muscle formation in Caden's torso and biceps. Tears flow freely now, she remembers sitting on the chair next to the bed sketching this and thinking how magnificent Caden looked and how much love she felt for him. She can barely bring herself to burn the image, but keeping this would be a huge risk. With hands shaking she lets one corner of the paper catch fire, she's mesmerized watching his image turn to ash, then she tosses the entire picture in the pit. All her memories are going up in smoke.

Lastly Lily pulls out a black velvet pouch. Opening the pouch, she pulls out the Luna medal Caden gifted her. It consists of a solid rose gold rope chain, with a large medallion attached. The chain is sturdy and heavy, made with layers of solid gold. The medallion is heavy and also made of solid rose gold. The Luna medal is a round antique celtic tribal looking medallion. It has been clearly meticulously handcrafted, the centre featuring an intricately detailed wolf head, with two diamonds for eyes. There is celtic knotwork and four small wolves that are framed in a circle around the central wolf head. The front of the bail, which is the metal loop that attaches the medallion to the chain, features an additional smaller howling wolf. Caden had told her it was designed so the Luna can wear it all times, even when shifted. It will sit like a collar when in wolf form. It is solid and sturdy and will never break. Mystic Falls refers to this as the Luna medal, and it has been passed down from Luna to Luna, dating back to their ancestors in Scotland. It was brought over with their forefathers, when they moved the pack here, more than 200 years ago. Lily's fingers tremble as she lifts the medallion to take a closer look. Never in her life has she been given something so rare and precious.

She cannot destroy the heirloom, after all it doesn't really belong to her, it belongs to the Mystic Falls' Luna. It should go to whomever Caden chooses as his next Luna. An uncontrollable stab of jealousy comes over her at the thought of Caden taking a new mate. She knows this is not rational, as she is accepting Atlas as her mate, therefore Caden has every right to find someone else. Lily carefully slips the necklace over her head. The chain is about 26 inches long, and can easily slip over her head, without needing a clasp. The medallion sits just below her breast line. She wants to wear it one last time, as she takes her vows of acceptance, before she packs it away forever, along with her memories of Caden.

Standing in front of fire pit, clutching the medallion, she looks at the fire crackling and the flickers of the flame. Her eyes reflect the orange flames from the fire, she has burned all her memories, it is time. Looking up she stares across the lake and begins her solemn vow "I, Lily Rose, Luna of Pine Lake Pack, accepts the rejection of Caden Knight, Alpha of the Mystic Falls Pack. From this day forth I release him and myself from our mate bond". Lily feels the last tendrils of their bond releasing. Like Jin said, it's not a complete severing, she can still feel tiny threads of their bond in place, but it has dulled significantly.

Suddenly Lily feels a mild popping sensation, followed by a gush of fluid that she can't stop, coming from her vagina. Her waters have broken. It is time, she is going into labour, her baby will be born today. Lifting her head she lets out a howl, that she knows Jin will hear.

Jin's pure white wolf howls back, and comes running from the tree line. He shifts to skin form and comes running up to Lily. Lifting his nose in the air he can smell the amniotic fluid.

"Your waters have broken, Rose it's time! We're having a baby!" Jin can't help the smile that spreads across his face. Without thinking, he lifts Rose up bridal style and begins to carry her back towards the cabin.

"Jin put me down, this is silly, I can still walk!" But Jin just holds her more firmly and continues his solid strides. He never got to deliver his own pup, but he sure as hell is going to delivery this one.

The baby is coming!  Taking bets on the gender - who thinks it will be a boy and who thinks it will be a girl?  Baby name suggestions?  Loving seeing more comments popping up!  Please don't forget to vote! xx😊

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