This episode of bluey is called: Welcome back!

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It has been a week since the incident happened with Evan now at the Royal Brisbane hospital and hasn't gained consensus yet with dogs visiting him

At the Heeler household

Bluey and Bingo were playing with their toys and Bandit, Chilli were cleaning the house then Chilli got a call from Frisk and they were in a conversation and Bandit was cleaning downstairs, Bandit got a little tired so he went upstairs to grab some water afterwards he went back to cleaning Chilli soon returned back from the call and cleaning the couch, it was noon and Bandit was at the living room watching TV then got a call from someone

At the RB hospital

Trix entered Evan's room to check up on him she then changed the iv fluid of his with a new one an- *gasp!* Evan shot himself up from the bed and it scared Trix he saw her then he tried moving out of bed and Trix tried to stop him but he felt on his face "gah" he then git up and Trix helped him up he opened one of the window blinds and saw that he was on the sixth floor and he felt his head got dizzy he stumbled a little and Trix pleased him back on the bed "thank goodness your awake Evan, how are you feeling?"

"I.. kinda feel.. a.. lot of pain on my face" he replied and Trix nodded and told him to take it slow and rest while she called the doctor then she left the room, when she got back in with a doctor and it was a Hyena in a white coat "good to see that ya your awake how you feeling?" The Hyena asked Evan and he replied "i-i guess okay.." the Hyena nodded and he told Trix to call the Heelers and tell them the news about Evan then he left the room, Trix then pulled out her phone and Called them

Back to the Heelers

Bandit: hello?

Trix: hey Bandit

Bandit: what's up Trix?

Trix: well i have news for you guys 'wait i have a better idea'

Bandit: what's the news?

Trix: well could you call Stripe and tell him and you guys to come here?

Bandit: is Evan awake?

Trix: 'its going to be a good surprise for them' no he hasn't woken up yet but he did move a little

Bandit: wait really?, alright then we'll be there bye. He then called Stripe to come and visit Evan and Stripe agreed

Chilli: who's on the phone?

Bandit: Stripe and also Trix called me earlier and told me that Evan moved a little!

Chilli: really?, well that's great he might wake up soon it'll go pack some stuff

Bandit: Kay, Kids!, we're going to visit Evan again!. Bluey, Bingo ran in and we're happy that they're going to visit Evan again

Bluey, Bingo: hooray!

They got in the car and drove off the cul-de-sac and went to the RBH it took them an hour to get there and Stripe soon after showed up with Muffin and Socks, they all went to Evan's room and Trix was in there waiting for them she stood up and hugged them "aunt Trixie?, is Evan awake yet? Bluey asked her "sorry Bluey but he hasn't woken up yet"

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