This episode of bluey is called: The full moon

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Evan shot up from bed in a cold sweat and was breathing lightly, he wiped the sweat off his head and controlled his breathing down, he stands up from bed and left his room and to the bathroom

He entered in and did his business first, next he puts toothpaste on his toothbrush but he noticed off about it and then tasted "bubblegum?" He then looked at the toothpaste and it turns out he accidentally used Bluey, Bingo's paste but he just shrugs it off

He finishes by rinses with water and spat it out the sink, he splashed some water on his face and when he looked at the mirror he only saw a shadowy figure instead of his reflection

He steps back and shook his head and the figures was gone, he let's out a *sigh* of relief and left the bathroom and into the kitchen where Bandit was cooking brekkie

Bandit: morning kiddo!

Evan: morning, so what's for today's schedule?

Bandit: well we're going to the mall to get groceries, next go the park and have a nice time there, and finally watch the new moon rise tonight

Evan: that sounds good, where's Chilli?

Chilli: right here

Bluey: us too!, what are we going to do today dad?

Bingo: yeah?

Bandit tells Bluey and Bingo on what they're going to do today, Chilli was sipping some tea at tge table with Evan but she noticed that Evan was acting a bit weird "you okay Evan?" But he didn't respond

Chilli called his name again and he snapped back to reality and looked at Chilli and smiled "y-yeah, just a bit tired that's all" Chilli knew that something was wrong and Evan didn't want to tell

After Evan had dinner he went and took a bath, the kids were playing with Bandit's yoga ball in their bedroom, Bandit was cleaning the kitchen while Chilli washed tge dishes

Chilli: did you notice something up with Evan?

Bandit: huh?, no why what's up with Evan?

Chilli: i don't know but, he didn't respond when i called him

Bandit: im sure it's just nothing bad, hey i know your just worried about him and im as well, but being worried is not good for you

Chilli: *sigh* your right, in just, concern about him, like when he almost drowned at the beach, or that accident at the city

Bandit: hey *wrapped arms around* he's alright, and that's what matters

Chilli: yeah, thanks Bandit

Bandit: no worries babe

Evan puts on his hoodie and takes his phone with, then Evan saw Bluey and Bingo playing with a yoga ball and decided to play along with them "whats happening here guys?" Evan said in a playful tone "we're putting the yoga ball to sleep!, im reading it a story" Bluey said and Evan has an idea "hey who wants to play Indiana Jones?" Evan told them but Bluey, Bingo only tiled their heads in confusion

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