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It had been a beautiful day for Adharv. He had embraced the girl he loved and now had reconnected with his parents. The realization that Jewelz genuinely liked him still seemed surreal. He pondered whether to text her but couldn't make up his mind in the cab.

Upon reaching the hotel, Adharv was greeted by the family's personal assistant, Mr. Aansh. He was then escorted to the hotel's top-floor dining hall, where his parents were waiting.

His mother, Renuka Sharma, rushed toward him with a warm embrace and a smile on her face. His father also smiled. They inquired about his well-being and living situation, with food arriving at their table.

"Feel free to ask more while we eat. We don't have much time," his father mentioned.

The meal was a traditional delight, and Adharv relished every bite. They wanted to hear about the events in Adharv's life since their last visit.

He told them that this had been one of the best days of his life. He was no longer single, and he proudly showed them a picture of Jewelz. Both of his parents liked her. They also discussed their new business venture and the possibility of settling in India after its completion.

Adharv was overwhelmed with joy after his parents shared their plans about settling in India. He thanked his lucky stars for such a beautiful day. However, their conversation was interrupted by Mr. Aansh, who whispered something to Adharv's father. His father quickly left with Mr. Aansh, leaving Adharv and his mother to continue talking.

Sometime later, Adharv's father returned and had a brief conversation with his mother about their business. Adharv couldn't catch all the details but heard snippets like "it's shipped" and "they're all here." His mother abruptly left the table to wash up.

Adharv finished his meal and washed his hands. His parents were preparing to leave, and a helicopter was waiting for them outside the building. Before departing, as was customary, they handed Adharv a bag containing some files and the medication he needed for a childhood ailment. These files were to be kept in their room at his house.

His mother hugged him with a mixture of happiness and sorrow in her eyes. His father reminded him to take care. With that, they boarded the helicopter and departed.

Mr. Aansh remained by Adharv's side and informed him that cabs had been arranged for his return journey. They both left the building and took a cab.

During the ride home, Adharv reflected on all that had transpired. His dreams had come true, and he felt truly content. Gazing out the window, he couldn't help but think about Jewelz.

Suddenly, he spotted Jewelz on the street. At first, he thought he was imagining her, but she was indeed there, entering an abandoned house. Adharv instructed the taxi driver to stop and got out. The driver attempted to return the fare as mr Aansh had already paid him but Adharv insisted he keep it and asked him to deliver the bag to his house. He needed to follow Jewelz.

Calling out to her, he went after her, but she didn't seem to hear. He couldn't fathom why she was here at this late hour. As he cautiously approached, he noticed that the house was deserted, with dried leaves strewn about. Adharv moved silently to avoid making noise.

What he witnessed was Jewelz in conversation with a man on a motorcycle, who wore a helmet, preventing Adharv from identifying him. Jewelz handed the man a file, which she examined, taking photos of its contents. Their conversation was muffled and unclear to Adharv. Afterward, Jewelz returned the file to the man, who stowed it in his bag and rode off. She then left through the back gate.

Adharv became intrigued by the mysterious file and the identity of the man. He suspected that Jewelz was keeping something hidden. Determined to find answers, he decided to tail her discreetly.

Adharv followed her from a safe distance to remain unnoticed. She eventually hailed a cab and reached her home. Adharv remained nearby to keep watch. Peering through her window, he saw Jewelz holding a pistol, which startled him. Worried thoughts raced through his mind - could she be involved in something sinister? Adharv was at a loss about what to do.

However, Jewelz soon left her house, and Adharv, although apprehensive, resolved to continue following her. With a deep breath, he summoned the courage to stay on her trail.

Jewelz led him to a barren area adjacent to the Metalife Research Facility in Delhi Sector. She paused before the towering walls of the facility, which were nearly three times her height.

Adharv hid behind nearby trees, watching her every move, his curiosity and fear intensifying. Nearby, there was a tree with branches extending inside the research facility's perimeter. With astonishing agility, Jewelz scaled the wall using these branches and deftly leaped over to the other side.

Adharv was taken aback. He rushed towards the towering walls and gazed up at their intimidating height. He desperately wanted to follow Jewelz's lead and leap over the walls, but the tree with branches appeared challenging to climb. He couldn't comprehend how she had accomplished it. He needed to know what she was up to and couldn't leave without answers. Determined, he decided to wait there until she emerged. Adharv settled under the tree, anticipating Jewelz's return.

The area was eerily quiet, with a chill in the wind, and as time passed, Adharv struggled to stay awake. Despite his efforts, he eventually succumbed to sleep. His next recollection was the startling sound of a gunshot. He jolted awake, fear surging through him. He realized he had dozed off for three hours.

"Oh no, that gunshot! Where did it come from? Was it from the research facility? No, it couldn't be. So, where did it originate?" Adharv's mind raced with anxious thoughts. "Jewelz! What if she came out, or worse, what if she was the one who got shot?" Fear consumed him.

Another gunshot reverberated through the area, intensifying Adharv's trepidation. He couldn't shake the possibility that these shots were related to Jewelz in some way—either she was being targeted, or she was involved in the gunfire.

This time, Adharv managed to discern the source of the sound. It seemed to come from the ground nearby. Despite his diminishing courage, he cautiously moved toward the source, pledging to stay at a safe distance. Trembling, he navigated the shadows cast by the tree, reciting prayers and mantras in a trembling voice, seeking divine protection.

As he stepped on a dried twig, it snapped, producing a loud noise. Almost immediately, Adharv heard hushed male voices nearby. Panic surged through him, fearing that he had been discovered by potential assailants. He continued chanting prayers, desperation tainting his voice.

Within moments, he heard the engine of a car starting and the vehicle moving away. Relief washed over Adharv, but then he heard a faint, labored female voice. Summoning his courage, he ventured closer to investigate. There, on the ground, lay a woman drenched in blood. Adharv rushed to her side, praying fervently to any higher power that it wasn't Jewelz. However, fate was cruel. He couldn't recognize her beneath the blood-soaked mess, but when he saw her bloody hands and realized her blue hair was concealed by the blood, he knew it was Jewelz.

Jewelz was gasping for breath, writhing in agony. Tears welled in her eyes. She had been shot in the shoulders and abdomen. Feebly, she touched Adharv's face with her bloodstained hands and gazed into his eyes before losing consciousness. Adharv felt drained, his voiceless scream echoing in the night.

What was supposed to be the best day of his life had taken an abrupt, nightmarish turn.

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