Chapter 5- Departure

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Chapter 5- Departure

I awoke suddenly, startled by the high-pitched screams coming from across the room.

"Brooke!" I yelped only to get a mouthful of a heavy gas. My eyes fluttered open as sputtered, "Poison! Poison gas! Get down and out!" I grabbed my gas mask from underneath my pillow (turns out it was a good idea to keep it there) and snatched for the weapons that had fallen to the ground earlier. I came up empty. I had so many questions, but first I had to get my team out. I crawled over to Morgan's bed, she was unconscious. I piled her over my shoulder and signaled to Brooke that I couldn't also get Kelsey. My time was running out, already my thoughts were clouding up, but I made into the window just in time before I blacked out. The old fire escape descending from our room barely held the weight of the both of us.

I didn't have enough energy to do CPR on but enough to puke up whatever bile I had left in my stomach and I realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast yesterday morning and suddenly I had the desire for a bowl of my grandma's spaghetti. Why did food always come to brain at the most unhelpful moments? My next instinct was to clear the area. Therefore I needed a weapon. I broke off one of the rusty rungs on the ladder and made a circle around Morgan. I squinted through the thick morning fog and could make out the shape of a black car. The enemy.

I draped Morgan around my shoulders and and slowly made my way towards the car. As I approached it I could make out the form of two people standing in front of the car. I was going to attack. I let Morgan's body slump against a big oak in the yard. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Brooke's light brown hair and her signal. She distracts, I attack. 5........4........3.........2........1.........

I saw her scream and the two heads glanced in her direction, this was my chance.

I ran as fast and as quietly as I could and right as I was about to release my rusty rung, I heard one of them calmly say, "Claire, Brooke, you know better than to attack your teachers."

"That's right, I see you took your wake up call well, just as planned." It was Amy.

Realization flooded through me as I screamed, "You could of killed us! In fact, Morgan is unconscious! What were you thinking!" I threw the rung as hard as I could right towards Amy's left hand. If it found it's target, she wouldn't die, she'd just suffer, which was my intention.

She moved her hand just in the nick of time and my throw didn't even scratch the car. "No worries, the gas was completely harmless, just spiked with a bit of alcohol to make you drowsy. We thought it would be a great last minute practice." I didn't care what they thought. I took a deep breath and rushed towards Morgan, not daring to look Amy or Madame Miranda in the eye, knowing it would only result in more pain.

"Morgan, can you hear me?" I asked as I shook her furiously. She coughed and opened her eyes.

"Claire, what happened?"

"Madame Miranda and Amy decided to give us some last minute training by releasing some heavy gas with some alcohol in it to knock you out. Apparently we did well because they looked pleased. I'm mad though. I threw one of the ladder rungs at Amy. She moved though." I confessed.

She laughed, "Claire, you have to stop doing that. I'm mad too. I guess this is the last time they will see us as 'innocent' people."

"Yeah, I guess so. Come on, lets go get in the car, I hope they brought our bags." I offered her a hand. We got up and walked to the car. All four of us piled into the back seat and discussed the "last minute training" occurrence as if it were a dissection project.

"This will be your fist time through the airport armed. Their is strict protocol on how you pass through. You're guns will be on your backs at all times. Do NOT, I repeat, NOT, take it out unless needed. Understood?" Madame Miranda asked. We nodded our heads. "Okay, we will drop you off at the front of the airport. Your boarding passes and IDs are in the front pocket of each of your backpacks. The agent security line is behind the bag checking line. When you go up to the counter, ask for Jordan. When he comes, show him Kelsey's boarding pass. That's the signal. He will check your biggest bag that carries the weapons and take you to the security line. Go through as instructed. Above all, stay undercover. We should review our identities now so you stay perfect. When you arrive, video chat us, you'll find instructions in the blue folder in Claire's backpack. I think you're all set." Tears swelled up into her eyes. She was proud of us. Brooke to almost broke into a sobbing fit too if it weren't for Amy and the identity packets.We reviewed and I was now 'Lauren DuVant' from the outskirts of France. I was born on a farm and lived their my entire life until I was chosen by a science program to study in Paris. Five siblings. Parents names are Monique and Steven.

The rest of the ride was mostly silent except for a tear-stained good-bye at the end of the ride. Things at the airport went smoothly except my gun was at an awkward angle on my back. We were in first class and rode in style. Freshly baked cookies were served with ice cold milk and our food came out in small platers. We dedicated most of the time on the plane to sleeping, not daring discuss the topic that controlled our minds. Finally, the sun cracked the surface of the dark sky and I could see the Paris beneath me. It was beautiful.

The sight of Paris was a turning point. I was no longer the old Claire McColton, I was a changed woman, on the brink of discovery.

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