Chapter 27

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"It's fine," I mutter under my breath on the way to the airport

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"It's fine," I mutter under my breath on the way to the airport. Even though my mind is muddier than Pan's labyrinth and my stomach tighter than my current ponytail, everything is fine.

I take deep, calming breaths and remind myself that this trip is for work. I need to focus. While I spent the past two days replaying my time in the shower with Lucas, I know we just got carried away. Everything is indeed fine. We are two, mature adults who are good at our jobs and just so happen to be very attracted to each other.

And while we may have almost had sex the other day, it's still fine. That's what normal functioning adults do, right? They change their minds after thinking through things logically. It was really a joint decision back in the shower when we decided not to have sex. And I can easily change my mind again if I want to...and settle right back in Lucas' strong, muscular arms that hold me in a way that makes me feel warm and as light as a feather. My mind travels to the red racy lingerie I packed in my travel tote. It's just in case, of course. Again, I don't want to have sex with him. I wonder if he packs condoms.

I sigh. This is going to be a long work trip.

The sun hasn't fully risen over the horizon and the streets look as if the rapture had taken place with only a few cars roaming the normally busy neighborhoods. An incoming call from Cora appears on my phone's screen as my driver takes the exit for the airport. "Hey, Cora. Everything okay?"

"Talia, my dear! What's this about you heading to Vegas today?"

"There's a potential new client that Lucas and I are going to win over. I'm pulling into the airport now."

"Hmm, I don't know if I like that. Can't Lucas just do it? You have too much on your plate as it is."

"Charles asked me directly. I couldn't say no." I glance out the window and catch sight of Charles' plane on the tarmac in the distance.

Cora starts saying something else but I'm distracted by a black SUV that sits right next to the plane. Lucas steps out of the vehicle and my heart skips like a kid playing hopscotch. He's wearing a casual navy blue polo shirt and gray slacks as if he's ready to golf at just a moment's notice. Running a hand through his hair, he glances up at the car I'm in which is now parking behind him. Thankfully the windows are tinted so he can't see me practically drooling on the armrest. I tried so hard to turn off the images of him in the shower, but seeing him again projects said photos against every surface area of my mind.

"Uh, um, sorry to interrupt, Cora. I just got to the plane. I need to head out." I grab my purse and step out of the car with my phone still against my ear. My pulse beats slightly above its normal cadence and the nausea that comes with waking up extra early grows. I wave at Lucas politely like I would with any associate and press the phone tighter to my ear with my other hand. He gives me a nod right before he hands his bag to one of the attendants at the bottom of the plane steps. Everything is fine.

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