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It had been a strangely normal day, one could even say excessively so. Not a single thing had gone wrong, except for the dark clouds in the sky, everything went off without a hitch. The woman sat inside the conference hall, she had just gotten out of her work evaluation meeting. It went well, everyone ranked her relatively high. She was content with the score she had gotten, but for some reason she couldn't shake this feeling something was off. This was something that happened often, and she could never know where or what was coming her way.

She let out a loud sigh as she finally began gathering her belongings, despite working for the company for three years now, she hadn't gotten so much as even a raise. Despite being dubbed one of the most qualified workers in the company. She was honestly at a loss as to what to do, she could push herself harder; but what would that bring? She worked her fingers to the bone just getting where she is now, it's either more stress... or it's time to move on.

The decision was quite daunting, as although she didn't want to be used by her company anymore, she hated change. Aside from that, her company could decide to fire her before her two weeks' is up, and that'll appear on her permanent record. She shook her head and continued walking home, it was just then when thunder cracked loudly throughout the sky, startling her. All around her she began hearing the sounds of water drippling down.

This was honestly her luck, just as she was about to leave, it'd start raining. She dug through her purse but couldn't find her umbrella, she sighed audibly again and pulled out her re-usable rain poncho and pulled it on. It wasn't much, but it was better than being soaked. She then headed out of the building, quickly checking whether Spy x Family had been updated. It was her favorite manga, currently. She loved it, she loved the found family trope, mostly because it helped her not feel so lonely.

As she walked, she listened to her footsteps. The water rippled as she walked, and the sound of the water; all of it, the puddles, the rain... it was all calming. She had begun to space out, and when she finally came to she heard a loud horn. She turned and looked towards the noise; only to be met with a semi-truck's headlights.

Huh. So this was how it was all going to end... It was mediocre, just as her life was. It all flashed before her eyes, everything she could remember. Being given up to Child Protective Services after her father died and her mother didn't want to deal with her, she was five... so, at least she didn't really remember that part. The parts that hurt, they were during school. When people would bully her; tease her constantly for being an orphan, that nobody loved her. She knew as much, but it still hurt to hear. At least she can rest, although she was sure there was someone out there that needed this more than she did. She finally let go, before she even could close her eyes everything went black.

She opened her eyes, but she was somewhere unfamiliar. She glanced around in confusion, sitting up as she rubbed her eye softly. The room was white, sickeningly white, as in literally everything was white. The walls, the floors, the furniture. It hurt her eyes, she stood up and walked forward a bit, it was then when she noticed that there was a mirror on the wall; but when she looked in it, she saw someone else.

She was... confused, to say the least. The girl in the mirror was about 3'9, she couldn't of been older than ten. She was beautiful though; she had long, flowing raven black hair. Her eyes were the clearest shade of ocean blue she had ever seen. She brought her hand up to her cheek, and pinched it. She winced, since she had felt pain she knew for sure this wasn't a dream. She looked back into the mirror, the girl was wearing a hospital gown, although it had been altered to be a dress instead of just being tied around.

Suddenly, without warning she heard her door click and creak open. She turned around in fear, a random flush of memories... horrible, horrible memories flashing through her mind. Before her stood a guard, she couldn't see his face because it was obscured but she knew what time it was.

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