Chapter Three

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'My life basically went without incident. I never considered anything in my life "bad" or "traumatizing". I guess this was my own mistake; as an adult I found it hard to do basic things, like communicating, asking for help, admitting when I messed up. Etc, if you can think it, I probably did it.

My home life wasn't bad, just... boring. Nothing ever really happened, my father took responsibility for me. He was a very responsible man, he understood that I was a mistake he made, and he had to at least raise me right. I wouldn't say he succeeded, but... he definitely raised me. My stepmother was like my father; she understood that he made a mistake and needed to take responsibility for it. I was an affair baby, and my mother couldn't afford me. She dropped me in my father's lap and called it a day... or life, I suppose. My father and stepmother had my younger brother. After he was born, everything became a competition. They rewarded whoever got the best grades, whoever became team captain to their sports team, whoever got recognized for their artistic talent. It was tiring, I was never good at sports so that was a natural fail. I did enough to pass my gym class, and didn't play on a sports team. My brother got extra points for that.

He was the golden child, and began collecting awards, money, whatever my father and stepmother would give him really. I should've given up and seen that I would never measure up, but I tried so, so hard. I wanted them to love me, I wanted them to praise me. I went up and beyond, in arts, literature, mathematics, but somehow... every time... my brother beat me to it. It wasn't really fair, admittedly. We weren't even in the same grade, so how could they possibly compare our academics?

And yet they did, and I hated them for it. Despised them. But at the same time, I wanted even a fraction of the attention he was getting.

My father and stepmother's coddling of my brother eventually came to a head though, when once he turned 26, he gambled all their money away. It really was their own fault though, they raised an entitled brat. Whether he had to work for it or not, he grew up believing only he could do the right thing, no matter how wrong it was.

He was harassed, bullied, targeted. Those people are invisible to the world now because my lawyer stepmother drove them into the ground. Millions of dollars in dept.'

When Annie came to, she wasn't blindfolded like she expected to be. This really was an anime plot, because how idiotic are these goons? Annie looked around, and saw Anya tied up next to her. This was when she realized she was restrained, she wiggled her hands a bit to attempt to get free, but to no avail.

"What's the deal with the kids?" A voice rang through her ears, she glanced up and saw him. The man who wanted the toupee pictures. "Don't tell me they're Twilight's...?"

"Don't know, but they were in the apartment the transmission came from." One of his goons replied, the man looked at Annie specifically.

"... Why is that girl in a towel?" He asked, looking back at his goons.

"Ah! Well, she had just gotten out of the shower when we took her." The goon replied, looking over at his boss who nodded seemingly understandably.

"Well, maybe we can use them as a hostage to turn Twilight." The boss started, thinking as he turned to face his goons. "We'll make him tear off the Foreign Minister's hairpiece personally."

"Boss, I think it's time to move on from the hairpiece thing." One of the goons responded, good on him! Nobody is going to stop following someone because they wear a toup-... Suddenly, the boss pulled out a pistol and shot the man in the face. It was so quick that Annie barely had time to even register what had happened, she just stared on in horror. There wasn't a gunshot sound, only a the sound of air forcing the bullet out. Suddenly, the entire situation got significantly worse... Does this mean, she could die?! This is a revelation she wasn't exactly prepared for, after all... what would she do in the off chance she did die!?

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