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Dripping with water, I walked into Saeron's place, immediately changing. But as I stepped out, Niki was stood by the front door, looking at me with a smile.

"I'm gonna go now, if you need me, I'll be around." He grinned, waving and shutting the door.

As he left, the room suddenly darkened, the sun must've been blocked by something and that natural, bright light soon diminished into a greyish, dark ambiance.

Saeron looked at me, an uncomfy silence hanging between the two of us. I had nothing against her, nor did I want Niki, it was just mere coincidence that everything was happening.

"How come you moved?" Saeron walked to the kitchen, messing with something in the sink.

I sat on the sofa, scrolling on my phone and checking for any updates of my colleagues. There weren't much updates, but once again, a company dinner.

I chuckled, seeing Aera in one of the team photos, holding up a bottle of soju with a smile. You could just tell she didn't want to be there by those eyes.

But even so, I kind of missed the vibe there. My colleagues were friendly, and everytime we'd just laugh at Seungmin, our boss, each time he'd say some stupid shit or do something stupid.

It was a good time.

"I just felt like I needed a break." I told her in simple terms, considering her attitude, I wasn't going to say much to her.

"Are you staying here for long?" Saeron turned around, glancing at me and then back at the sink.

"I'm not sure." I shrugged, giving a small sigh, "I'm planning to." I told her once again, and she gave a small mumble to herself, washing the dishes in the sink.



For the past few days, I managed to familiarise myself with the town's residents, the places, the vibe, everything here was so pretty.

It was even safe to go out at night, something I didn't even dare do back in Seoul.

I walked alone around, it was midday and there were a bunch of people at the markets, at the docks hauling in sea life. I looked through a window in a store, noticing it was the lady that I saved from being scammed.

She turned her head, looking at me, then beamed a smile with a wave. She beckoned me in through the window, and without any hesitation, I walked into her restaurant.

"Hello Yeojin!" She grinned with such a motherly smile.

"Hey Miss Hwang." I gave a small bow as she made her way around the counter and up to me.

"Are you here for drinks?" She asked me, and I nodded my head, her smile dropped into one of concern.

"What's up?" I wondered as her face seemed like there was a problem with me coming here.

"The water filter broke, so I got someone to come in and fix it for me." She sighed as I nodded understandingly, "Come through though, I can get you something else."

She guided me towards the inside of the kitchen, and as I entered, I looked at the figure, messing with the water dispenser. My pace stopped, and my lips pressed together.

He turned to face the two of us, looked towards the dispenser, and then swiftly turned his head to look back at me.

"Yeojin!" Niki grinned, holding some part in his hand.

"God, not you." I rolled my eyes, softly speaking.

"Wow." Niki gave a scoff, a small smirk lying across his lips as he walked up closer to me. His eyes trickled down my face, observing every feature precisely.

We stared at each other for a bit, his plump, pink lips were unreal, along with those alluring eyes of his.

I cleared my throat, looking away after realising that I should not be doing this.

"How's the filter going along Niki?" Hwang asked, giving him a light smile as he cut his gaze off me, staring at the part in his hand then back at her.

"I'm pretty sure it's all fixed, somehow this got in there. But anyways, I'm pretty sure it's all good now." Niki smiled, throwing the part in a nearby trashcan.

"Oh Niki! I can't thank you enough, please, you two go and sit down in the restaurant, I'll bring you some drinks.

I reluctantly dragged my feet behind Niki, not wanting to sit with this stupid idiot. But I couldn't talk back, I had made myself a good reputation so far, and I did not want to make that fall. Word here spreads faster than any contagious disease.

I dragged the chair across the floor, sitting on it with an unamused face as I leant my head on the palm of my hand. I stared at Niki, the corner of my lip curling as he stared back at me, a smirk appearing on his face.

What is with this guy and smirking?

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now