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My hands were cold, and even shaking. I don't know when I became so scared of people, but I guess places change you.

"Where the fuck did she go?" Saeron muttered to herself, angered, "I swear to god if she's with Niki." Followed by the sound of typing.

Niki's eyes were still on me, a brow slightly raised in interest. I nervously looked up at him, giving him an uncertain smile as his phone lit up with a notification.

It was no surprise that it was from Saeron.

ssae.ron: nikirikiiii are you doing something?

ssae.ron: you wanna go to the docks??

He gave a light chuckle, showing me the messages. At this rate, I wasn't sure if Saeron was still in my room or not, but I was still afraid to even leave. Matter of fact, I didn't even mind being in a confined space with Niki so much.

Thankfully, the door slammed shut, which meant only one thing, Saeron had finally left. A few seconds later, another door slammed shut, which I'm pretty sure, was the front door, meaning she wasn't in the house anymore.

I opened the closet, taking the biggest deep breath in, then falling onto my bed. For some odd reason, that was more stressful than any job I have ever had.

"So that was the cause of the avoidance, huh? Saeron's jealous?" Niki raised a brow with a smug smirk, fuck you Niki, you're so hot.

I sat up, feeling utterly exhausted and overwhelmed, yet a sense of adrenaline flowed through my body.

"Uh what? No..." I looked around my room, technically I didn't tell him anything, he just deduced it on his own.

Niki gave a small laugh, sitting beside me as he figured out what to respond back with.

"Well, don't tell her you're busy first and foremost." I told him the obvious, if we had told her that Niki was busy, then she'd immediately suspect that I'd have gone and seen him, and I'd be pretty much screwed then.

"What the hell am I supposed to say then?" Niki glanced at me, his eyes scattering all over my face again. This guy and looking all over my face, god.

"Just go meet up with her." I gave a sigh of defeat, looking to my lap as he chuckled, with full confidence.

"Hey, how about, I'll go meet with her for a few minutes, you go up to the place with the boat on the hill, and I'll meet you there when I leave and tell her I'm going home to sleep." Niki suggested, and hearing his idea through, it was actually a pretty solid plan.

I gave him a light smile, followed by a nod.

"You better not take a long time, I'm waiting ten minutes maximum." I smiled as he returned my smile with a grin, here he was, the Niki I had known for the time being.

"Make it three minutes." He gazed into my eyes, a silence hung over us for a second. But out of nervousness, I looked away, standing up and heading towards the front of the house.

"I'll be there soon, if I don't see you there, I'll kidnap you." Niki told me, and I gave him a laugh, along with another nod, we walked out of the house, heading completely different ways.

On the walk towards the hill, I bumped into Saeron, my heart rate immediately spiking up. But oddly, she had a smile on her face, probably from the fact Niki was willing to meet up with her at this time.

"Where you heading?" She asked me, her face alone made my mood so much worse.

"I'm going for a walk, can I at least do that?" I scoffed, giving her attitude, because who does she realistically think she is?

She gave a chuckle, thinking that she's completely won and that Niki will fall for her just because I apparently have to avoid him. Just because I avoid him, doesn't mean he has to avoid me.

"Sure, sure, have fun." She sneered, walking off, so proudly.

I rolled my eyes, cannot wait til I get away from her.

Either way, I didn't let her ruin my whole mood. I made my way towards the abandoned boat on the hill, it was dark, and I was a little nervous at being here alone especially at night, but I was here for the sake of Niki.

I sat at the top, staring out into the sky, I could see the ocean, the stars, the vast navy blue sky, and even the moon too.

I chuckled to myself, I would sleep here if I had the right things to do so.

riki.nishimura → twelve weeksWhere stories live. Discover now