Chapter 13

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We got out of the car and was met by a beautiful scenery. The sky was bright blue, the trees were swaying due to the light breeze, birds were chirping and you can see a few kids playing.

I wore the hoodie that I brought with me since it was a bit chilly. Ran wore a hoodie as well but his name was written on it.

"A bit self centered, don't you think?" I teased, pointing at his hoodie.

"Shut up, I only brought a few hoodies to Italy and this was one of them.." He explained as he adjusted his hoodie.

I looked at it for a moment and went near him. I grabbed the hem of the hoodie and felt the texture of the inside.

"What are you doing?" Ran asked as he looked at me weirdly.

"Nothing.. Just wondering what was the material.." I said as I continued to touch the fabric of the hoodie.

"Do you want one?" He teased as a smirk was plastered on his face.

I playfully rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Why would I get a hoodie that has your name on it? Ew." I joked as I made a disgusted face.

He let out a scoff and shooed my hand away.

"Then stop touching it.. You don't deserve my comfy hoodie." He said as he flipped his imaginary long hair and sashayed away.

"So sassy.." I mumbled.

He laughed at my remark.

"Come on, let's go see some squirrels." He smiled.

"Is that why we're here?" I chuckled as I walked closer to him.

He nodded his head excitedly.

"You really are a kid.." I mumbled again and I'm sure he heard it.

He just smiled even bigger as he grabbed my hand as he led me to the park.

The simple connection gave me butterflies.

Something that Kenzo didn't give me.


"Come on, Rika.. Stop sulking." Ran said as he made a turn.

"You should be resting." I stated, crossing my arms.

After the walk in the park, we decided to call it a day.

Well, supposedly we decided to call it a day.

We were both conversing about something stupid when all of a sudden I realize that we were already headed in the direction towards Milan.

"It would make no sense for me to drop you off at the station then come back to my house then go to training. I think I'd be more tired doing that." He explained.

I sighed as I uncrossed my arms.

I knew that he was right but I couldn't help but be a bother to him. I feel like a child in his care. I wanted to let him know that I can do things by my own, that I'm a responsible adult. But all I've been showing him was the same old me back in high school; a clumsy little girl that needed to be saved by her older brother and his best friend.

"I could've just taken a taxi.." I grumbled under my breath.

I heard him click his tongue.

"Stop being a brat." He hissed.

I widened my eyes at the sudden irritation in his voice.

"If you think you were annoying and a bother, NOW you're being annoying and a bother." He said as he stopped the car due to a red light.

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