Chapter 16

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"This is your table and the view that you requested for, Mr. Takahashi. Please take a seat." The waiter said, leading us to our table.

The table was placed on a balcony, accompanied by a beautiful scenery of Duomo Di Milan. You could see the people walking around and the bright lights that showed the church, but one thing caught my eye and that was the candle that lit the table.

'This is a bit romantic..'

I looked at Ran and he probably thought the same thing since he was looking at the candle with a bashful demeanor. He cleared his throat and avert his gaze from the burning object towards me. He gave a smile then went over to my side. He pulled the chair and motioned me to sit. I gave out a chuckle and sat myself down.

"I feel like a princess.." I teased.

"First time?" He joked as he went to the other side to sit down in front of me.

I just laughed but I thought;

'First time I was treated like one..'

I shook the thought and focused what was happening now rather than thinking of something or someone stupid.

"It's beautiful.. I can't stop looking at it." I said looking at the cathedral.

"You are.." I heard him mutter.

"W-what?" I stammered, looking at him.

"I-I mean it is! It is beautiful! I always see it and I always think 'WOW.. So beautiful!' HaHa ha.." He exclaimed as he fixed his collar, avoiding my gaze. 

Before I could say anything, the waiter suddenly came in with a bottle of wine.

I peaked over at Ran to see him exhale a sigh, as if he was thanking the Gods for the 'perfect timing'.


"Excuse me, Signore and Signora.. would you like to see the menu for the aperitivo?" The waiter asked handing us the menu.

Ran and I nodded our head, grabbing the menu from his hands. I wasn't an expert when it comes to wine so I looked at the menu with uncertainty. 

"Should I choose for you?" Ran asked.

I hesitated but nodded in the end.

"Do you want red or white wine?" He asked as he flipped through the pages.

I looked at the menu again and noticed that they have something that I knew and liked.

"Is it okay if I can get Prosecco?" I looked at him with innocent looking eyes.

'I hope he doesn't know that fizzy alcohol drinks can make a person get drunk faster.. I love Prosecco too much.'

"No. You get drunk faster with fizzy alcohol drinks and also you get drunk easily so.." He explained, making me pout.

'Damn it.'

"If you like Prosecco then I'll get you white wine. It's not the same but you know.." He continued as he faced the waiter.

I nodded my head like a kid, just accepting what he said.

"Posso avere un bicchiere di vino bianco poco alcolico? ?(Can I have a glass of white wine with a low alcohol content?)" Ran spoke to the waiter.

The waiter and I looked at him with astonishment.

"C-Certo, Signore. (O-of course, sir.)" The waiter stuttered, shocked at the Japanese speaking Italian.

'Since when did he speak so well?'

The waiter and him were talking, pointing out which one he should take.

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