16. Peasant

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Getting drunk was one thing. Getting drunk and embarrassing yourself was another.

After Sophia first accused Anne of being the haunted doll Annabelle and then, accusing both Anne and nameless girl (aka the mall girl) of being Anna and Quinn that is the royal princesses, I think I was embarrassed enough for a lifetime.

The nameless girl took Sophia to Noah's bedroom, saying she will handle her, while I fell asleep on the couch after that, with a reeling mind.

When I woke up in the morning, Anne and the nameless girl had disappeared. Noah dropped me and my friends home.

Needless to say, my friends were too hungover to come to school, and here I was all alone marching towards the school doors, just hoping to make it through the day somehow.

"Aw, why that long face, baby?" Noah appeared at my side, draping an arm around my shoulder casually.

Wow, it never felt like I had met Noah in real life only a few days ago.

"Yo, Noah's wifey!" Liam greeted, appearing on my other side.

My eyes widened and I glanced at him in disbelief while Noah started chuckling.

"Ask your friend to shut up!" I turned to face Noah.

"No can do," Noah grinned, "he is just stating facts."

I was so busy glaring at him, that I didn't look where I was walking and slammed into someone.

"Damn, that hurt!" the person whined.

Noah and Liam snorted. I looked up to see it was Zane and had to roll my eyes.

After recovering, Zane glanced at all three of us then, his eyes found mine, "Chloe, are you okay?"

This dude...

"Of course, she's with her mate, she's okay," Noah replied with a smug smile.

Zane ignored him. "Is he harassing you, Chloe?"

"What? What the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, buddy, you're getting way ahead of yourself," Liam told him.

Zane gave me sad eyes, and his lips started trembling.

Uh oh. Not again.

"You know what, dude?" Noah started, "you have started spreading your crybaby germs to others. We'll take our leave. I don't want snot on this shirt," he finished with a smirk in my direction.

"Damn you, Noah whatever-your-last-name-is!" I said in aggravation and walked away.

"See, you made her sad, Zaney. Now is the time to cry." I heard Noah saying behind me and I had to roll my eyes.


I_pooped (Sophia)

Guys, I had a very weird dream.

I met the princesses Quinn and Annabelle.

And Quinn even made me fall asleep in a room, promising to give me some ice cream later.

Noah's wifey (Chloe)

Damn it, soph.

Her name is not Quinn.

And, it's Annabeth, not Annabelle.


Huh?! That's what she said.

Cereal_killer (Caleb)

Wait but, the princess' name is actually Anna...uh...we don't know her full name.

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