Chapter Forty-One

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"This sucks," Tristan murmured

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"This sucks," Tristan murmured.

"Oh, you poor baby," I cooed, adding a bit of force as I dabbed the inner corner of his left eye with a damp cloth. He winced, trying the lean away from my touch.

I was attempting to get the last of the dried blood we'd missed earlier, but he insisted on making this a difficult process for both of us. Not to mention, he was pouting because I kept swatting his hands away from my body. It was tough to focus with him doing that. At least he wasn't swaying anymore — I suspected the water and 2 Snickers bars I'd forced him to drink and eat had helped a little. He'd also brushed his teeth after I refused to kiss him, citing his breath could get me tipsy.

"This wasn't what I had in mind when you said we should head back to the tent. You tricked me."

I scoffed. "I didn't do anything. It was getting late and we have to drive back tomorrow. You need sleep — I need sleep. And you're in no condition to do anything to me right now."

He opened his mouth to protest, but I cut him short with a stern look, saying, "And you smell like a bar. You're lucky I'm not making you sleep outside tonight. As it is, I'm tempted to dunk your head in water again."

As I resumed wiping at the corner of his eye, he grimaced, jerking his head away from my hand again. "I think I'm clean now." His lips curled into a grin, "Unless you want me to take off my clothes too? Maybe I have some blood on my dick."

I narrowed my eyes at him, setting the cloth down. He was clean enough. "Am I just a body to you? Is having sex with me all you can think about?"

His eyes rounded and he rushed to reassure me, "Fuck no!"

Pulling me closer so that I was forced to spread my thighs and saddle him, he buried his face in my hair and mumbled, "It isn't, I promise. I think about other things when I'm with you. It's just that ... whenever I'm with you, I have this need to get as close to you as possible — and sex is the best way I can do that," he squeezed me, pulling me tighter against him, "But I think about your smile, your laugh, your voice. I like talking to you. You're so fucking smart and I could listen to you for hours — even when you're shitting me out for something I did or said... and I don't know how else to show you I like you other than by having sex with you. It helps that you're the first girl I've actually liked fucking. You know — outside of just the physical act of release and the distraction it gave me."

I sighed, reaching up to run my fingers through his soft hair. He melted when I did that, exhaling a small moan into my shoulder. It made me never want to let go of him.

A thought occurred to me and my brows furrowed. "Why would sex be a distraction for you? I thought the whole point was to avoid those?"

He froze, going rigid under me. "It's nothing. I meant nothing by that. Sex was just a way to feel good — that's it, that's what I meant."

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