TWENTY-SEVEN ─ [ . : 。✿ ] rhododendron

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rhododendron flowers represent caution. they contain toxins harmful to animals and humans, adding to the symbolic theme of danger . . .


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*. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ *

MONDAY, JULY 9, 2018

Lori sat in front of her laptop, four of other roommates sat around her at the table. They'd been there for hours now, with it nearing four in the morning, as it had been for the past several nights. Upstairs, (Y/N) slept the night away. But her roommates were consumed with the search for her attacker.

Unfortunately, only Lori possessed the skillset to really contribute. The others were really just there for moral support.

And, apparently, to vent out their frustrations.

"(Y/N) still won't say more than two words to us. I miss her voice," Naoki sighed. "You guys remember those shitty knock knock jokes she used to tell?"

Silas nodded. "And the way she'd ramble any time she told a story." He frowned. A part of him nagged that he may never get to hear one of her stories ever again. The thought was a knife twisting in his heart. "It was so cute..." He sighed wistfully, remembering the shape of (Y/N)'s smile, and the way it made her eyes light up.

"At least she's eating now," Elijah chimed in. "I can handle her being upset. I can't handle her not being taken care of."

"If I could just get a different angle..." Lori murmured.

"You know I walked in the kitchen yesterday when she was cooking," Aziza commented. "She was talking to herself while she was stirring the potatoes. She made the potato with glasses joke again." She smiled fondly.

"Potato with glasses?" Elijah echoed.

"Oh, she never told you that one?"

"It's fuckin' adorable," Naoki said. "Dumbest joke ever, but the little smile she gets when she tells you is so cute."

"Well, what is it?"

"What do you call a potato with glasses?"

Elijah rolled his eyes. "Would I have went through all the trouble of askin' if I knew, dipshit?"

"It's just the structure of the joke," Naoki retorted, smacking his shoulder, "now do you wanna hear it or not, asshole?"

"Alright, alright, go ahead, dumbass."

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