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Ch. 6: The Rival Luna

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Blake's eyes blazed green fire at me. His hands clenched the sides of his chair so hard, it creaked. "Celeste!"

I didn't know I had it in me, but I jerked my chin up. "That's my name, yes. The girl you're ashamed to introduce to the pack as your fated mate."

"No! Never. I have to keep you safe."

"By pretending I'm a nobody?" I snorted, as the irony of that statement hit me. "A nobodier nobody than I already am, after you'd made me feel special for a minute? You are so selfish!"

His snarl was defensive more than anything else. "Were I selfish, I'd be parading you on my arm, and to hell with any consequences to you."

"Right." Despite my resentment, I didn't doubt that he wanted me on his arm. The admiration mixed with lust in his eyes, his heavy breathing. Blake struggled with the same cosmic force that pushed us together that I did.

"Celeste, listen." He reached for me, but held back at the last moment. My heart plunged in response to the interrupted movement like a cart on a rollercoaster ride. "We solve a lot of arguments by fighting to the death."

We, as in werewolves. We, the werewolves. My eyes flung wide-open. "Did you just say fight to the death? Women fight over a man?"

"She-wolves," he corrected me, then crossed his arms across his broad chest. "It happens."

"That's horrid!"

"It's a disgrace, and it's better safe than sorry. Plus, the rogues are getting bolder every day." He leaned closer, his eyes darkening with concern. "If the rogues learn my fated mate is an unshifted Omega, they would stop at nothing to keep you from being Marked. Including taking you to some place where I can't protect you."

"Oh." Strangely, I was more pissed than scared. "Of course. The rogues. Whatever they are."

Blake flashed his teeth in a snarl. "Packless curs."

After I followed Blake down the forest path, there was no going back. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to me. Next to my fated Alpha and the unbelievable set of opportunities he had offered—shifting, being Marked by a Goddess and becoming the pack's Luna—my prior life seemed even more pale.

"I...I think I'd rather fight these...rogues and she-wolves than go back to bartending in a strip joint." There was a tremor in my voice, but I covered it with a nervous chuckle. "Do I sound insane?"

"Not at all," he said. Slowly, his lips curled up, and then he was beaming at me. Time stood still. He shook himself. "But we can't pit you against the rogues before you shift. They're merciless thugs."

"So, you want me to come with you, keep my head down, and do...what?"

"I'm going to hire you as my lifestyle manager until you find your wolf and shift."

A manager? I had tons of bad ones, but I'd never been one.

I sucked my stomach in and straightened my shoulders. A fear that I splashed food over my gorgeous white collar prickled me, so I glanced down. The suit was pristine-white. I nearly whipped my forehead with my sleeve, but caught myself in time.

Managers don't do that.

"Okay, I look the part," I said. That was good, but there was a tiny obstacle. "However, I don't have the foggiest clue what a lifestyle manager does."

"Don't worry, I have someone to train you. She's the best."

I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at his still smiling face. "Is she a Luna?"

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