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Ch. 8: The Beta Variable

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I glanced at Blake. Did Scarlett upstage me before I even got started?

Blake must have read my panic in my gaze, because he cleared his throat. "One more thing, Scarlett."

"As many things as you want," Scarlett gushed. An even prettier smile flitted across her lips. "You know how much I enjoy our little chats."

My tummy twisted into knots. The way Scarlett said things was suggestive and innocuous at the same time. If this woman could rake me over the coals, then plunge me into icy water with a fake smile, what would happen when she used her claws?

"I feel it's fair to tell you before the public announcement," Blake said.

"Oh?" Her lips puckered far more than was needed to produce this simple sound.

Blake wasn't immune to her charms—I could physically sense his shoulders stiffening. But he didn't forget how to speak, or whatever else Scarlett had hoped he would do in response to her seductive airs.

"Despite our courtship, I have prayed to the Moon Goddess to reveal my fated mate," he said.

I relaxed a little. A guy like Blake was bound to have an ex. As long as Scarlett could take a hint and accept that she was an ex...could she?

"Because that's how these things should be done," Blake added after a slight pause.

Scarlett's red mouth parted, then closed. It was such a pleasure to see her stumped for an answer! Alas, it didn't last long.

"That's so unexpected, Blake!" she exclaimed, then puckered her lips again. "But also so incredibly, wonderfully, insanely romantic!"

"Romantic? Possibly." Harold scoffed. "But unexpected?"

I was so involved with watching Scarlett and Blake, I forgot all about Harold.

All of us did, judging from how Blake and Scarlett also whipped their heads to look at the Beta. He inflated with their attention, but held on to the expression of arrogant disdain.

"My dear cousin, that's our Alpha through and through. If Blake Villar was to find a mate, it had to be in the most traditional, honorable, impossible to fault way known to the werewolves." Harold explained, while his sneer broadened into a huge toothy grin. "Honestly, anything but a fated mate wouldn't do for him."

Scarlett's gaze searched Blake's face, which was far less transparent than Harold's. Then she nodded slightly. "You're right, Harold."

Imaginary ants crawled all over my skin. Could Blake just tell this woman he was done with her, and I was his fated mate?

"As exciting as this is for me personally," Blake said, "the pack's business won't stop because I'm waiting for the Goddess' will to become apparent."

So, no, Blake wouldn't come out and tell her straight up. Because, his Beta was right. Blake wanted things just so, and honorable behavior didn't include making scenes in public.

"Blake, I'm so thrilled for you!" Scarlett pressed her hands together in front of her chest to show just how thrilled she was.


"Thank you." Blake charged across the lobby toward the heart of the hotel. "Harold, I believe we have that security briefing at ten."

Blake didn't say anything to me, but I had no choice but to keep up with him. For starters, I had no idea where to go. And I didn't want to leave his side even if he sent me away.

Strangely, Scarlett didn't pursue Blake. She just stood, tapping her lips delicately with one manicured finger.

Her cousin did take off, but, weirdly, Harold didn't follow Blake. The Beta wanted to talk to me. That was the first, for sure, an attractive man hovering behind my shoulder, hoping to chat.

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