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Milo woke up rather early. His normal schedule was already what his body had been used to. He studied the man next to him. He was tall, very tall. Muscular and now overworked. Now you might wonder, why is Milo up so early?

'Bang bang bang'

Milo chose to ignore it.


someone was about to fucking break the door down. Milo got up and finally opened the door. Two tall bald men in suits were there. "Is Kai Salvoc here?" one of them asked.

"Uhm uh no?" He didn't know these people and he really didn't wanna get to know them. One of them pushed Milo against the wall allowing them both to come in. "The fuck!" Milo said in a pissed tone. "Oh shit he is here.." The little chubby one said looking really scared. Both bald headed people looked at Kai sleeping peacefully.

"Sorry we work for Mr. Salvoc and he has a very important meeting in one hour. He usually needs 4 hours to get ready and we came a bit..." The chubby one stopped talking. "Late, we came late." The other one finished.

"I'll wake him up, but you guys are fucking scary get out!" They both bowed and left the room closing the door behind them. Milo sighed and looked at Kai "just what the fuck are you.." Milo thought about how to wake him up.

Milo crawled on top of him. "Wake up!" Milo whisper-yelled. Nothing. "Hellooooo?" Milo said. Kai twitched a bit. "Wake up!" Kai's eyes shot up and he immediately took a gun out his pocket and pointed it at Milo. Milo quickly took a hold of the gun and threw it on the floor. Kai stared wide-eyed. "What do you just fucking sleep with a gun?"

Milo played with his own curls a bit. "Whatever fucking bladie 1 and 2 came in talking about a meeting or some shit?"

"Ugh I don't wanna." Kai moved over to Milo and dug his head on Milo's lap. "No your fucking heavy get the fuck off me." Milo tried to lift Kai's head off his thigh. "Fucking big ass baby get off me!" Kai ignored his cries and just closed his eyes. "You have a meeting! Get off me! Do you do this with all your hookups?" Milo asked. "No, just the ones I want, and what are you my fucking manager? Shut the fuck up and let me sleep." Kai's voice was deep and hoarse.

Milo gave an annoyed sigh and layed back on the puffy pillows. He took out his phone and texted the childcare center his little brother was staying at. He also checked his bank account. About 200$ left... each night his little brother stays there was about a 100$ so Milo payed another hundred hoping that by tomorrow, he was off the streets.

He was thinking of selling some of his stuff, hopefully none of his little brother's toys. He took a deep breath calming himself for a little.

'BANG BANG BANG' someone was at the door again. Milo was comfortable and didn't wanna get up. "Who the fuck is that?" Kai spoke sinking into Milo's lap. "I don't know..?" Milo sighed and leaned back into the pillows behind him.

One night stands aren't supposed to go like this, normally you fuck and leave but here Milo was basically cuddling with his, great. "I'm kinda hungry.." Milo groaned out. No awnser. "Did you hear mee?" Milo flicked Kai's forehead. "Yes, yes I heard you." Kai groaned. "Pass me my phone." Kai reached his hand out and Milo grabbed his phone off the side table and handed it to him. "It's fucking 6am I'm not going to a fucking meeting right now." Kai basically hissed out.

"So you like eating in the morning?" Kai tried to make some kind of small talk. "Of course, how do you think I keep my shape?" Milo laughed sarcastically. "Your cocky as fuck." Kai looked down at his phone which was ringing with messages. "I just speak the truth." Milo shrugged.

"Fine, anyway do you need an Uber outta here?" Kai looked back at Milo waiting for a response. "Actually.. I was gonna ask if I could stay here tonight..?" Milo said playing with his nails a bit. "Do whatever you want." Kai got up and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes passed and Milo heard the door clack.  Kai came out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and soaking wet hair. He was ripped. Milo was caught up looking at his body he didn't even know he was talking. "Not that I care or anything but why do you wanna stay  in here?" Kai spoke up. "Do I have to say?" Milo played with his short acrylics. "Look I'm traveling out tomorrow, this is my hotel room so unless you wanna fuck I need you outta here.." Kai felt a little bad. "Uhm just forget about it." Milo got up and grabbed his purse. "I'll order you an Uber.." Kai said as Milo looked up. "I don't need your fucking pity." Milo spoke up. As he put his phone in his purse and made his way to the door.

Milo sighed knowing he needed to stop pushing people away especially those who wanna help him.

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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