Chp. 13: More Whipped Than Whipped Cream

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"Love Struck."

Sawyer's POV:

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Sawyer's POV:


"To see a moose, like, standing on its hind legs, ready to fight you? Nah. Hard pass. At that point, I am shitting bricks."

"That is so unrealistic."

"It's a very real fear, Skipper!! Like, if I see that shit, suddenly, like, 30ft tall?? An entire brick house is going to come out of my ass. Not a piece, not a quarter. The whole thing!!! There is no stopping it."

"That's fucking disgusting, Donovan..."

"Jesus, Donovan."

"I'm just saying, Elias!!! Like, imagine that shit?!! You're telling me you wouldn't piss, shit, and throw up at that?? You're fucking crazy."

"That might be the other way around, bud, but get it I guess..."

Marianne giggles, and I simply roll my eyes, "You're such a dumbass."

"Well, I gotta agree with Donovan, it is a real fear to have." Marianne shrugs, and I immediately look down at her as she takes a spoonful of her chicken noodle soup and shovels it into her mouth.

Frowning, I reply, "Don't encourage him, Marianne. You're gonna make him feel smarter than he actually is."

Which is not very.

He's an idiot.

"Be real, Sawyer!!!" Donovan says defensively as he points his chicken tender at me, "You wouldn't be scared?"

"No." I reply flatly, staring at him with a straight face, "Cause it would never happen."

"Fine. Stay in the realm of doubt. See if I care." Donovan mutters, rolling his eyes in annoyance, "Cause you come face to face with a fucking Moose and it's standing up, making ungodly noises and shit, don't come running to me saying that I was right."

He's been going on about this for the past 10 minutes.

He won't drop it.

I'm about to fucking leave.

"If it's standing wouldn't that make it a Skinwalker??" Elias suddenly asks, looking around the table in curiosity, "Only Skinwalkers can do human shit despite not being human to lure victims, right?"

"Dude, that would be WORSE somehow!!!" Donovan gasps, looking over at Elias and Zachary chuckles, sipping his milk.

"New fear unlock: Big ass moose isn't even a FUCKING moose but pretending to be one." He says in disbelief, "I'm doing more than just shitting, pissing, and vomiting. I'm dying. On the spot. Instant death."

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