History tends to repeat itself

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Between lectures I stayed tuned on what was happening in school. With open ears and open mind I followed the events. It wasn't as difficult as it first seemed. My mermaid side took over the job’s hard part. Mainly my heightened hearing served me well today. I felt a bit stalkerish when I overheard Bella refuse Tylers twentieth attempt of helping her or compensate her from the other side of the school ground. But at least I knew she was fine and didn't faint in the middle of a lecture from her head injury.

Even knowing that she was fine didn't save me from unwanted questions. The fact that my step-sister came to school right after her accident, started a huge trail of gossip and who else could serve the most wanted information than me. Oh joy.

“Shouldn't your sister be resting at home? The doctors really allowed her to come?” Ana whisper asked at Calculus.

“On paper she is fine. We wanted to keep her home, but she wanted to come. We can’t just lock her up, can we?” I whispered back at her, annoyed.

“Hmm. At least she didn't break anything. Lucky that she survived.” My new friend mused.

“Yeah. Edward did a great job.” I told her half heartedly.

“Oh yeah, I heard about it. But it is strange. Lot of them who were there didn't see him there, and then he was and saved her?” Ana glanced at me like I could enlight her in anything.

My stomach tensed a bit. How should I put it? Edward zoomed in like the superhero he seemed to be? It wouldn't be a wise choice for me considering their supposedly secret identity. Mainly because I didn't know what they were and what I would have to face if I spilled the tea. They could be a threat. A huge mafia gang sized threat, with superpowers.

“I think he stood next to Bella, but I don’t know. I am glad he did or else Lauren’s stupid boyfriend wouldn't chase after my sister all day, but sit in jail for murder.” I pressed my pen harder on my paper.

To think about the foolish conversation that I had to endure at the hospital by that bitch made my blood boil. Ana silently giggled next to me.

“What is so funny?” I grumpled.

“Lauren and Tyler, not a thing you know.” She smiled at me.

“Aren’t they? Although, Lauren is always at his side like a puppy.” I raised my brow. It totally seemed like they were a couple.

“Yes, she is. But they aren't. She just wants to be, but that boy is so clueless that he didn't even recognise her efforts. Or he didn't want to hurt her feelings so he played the fool. To be honest Nora suspects the second option.” She shared.

It got me thinking. Of course Lauren shut up immediately when I mocked her with Tyler’s punishment. How could the captain of the soccer team date her if he is behind bars? An evil part in me snickered. I hope they never get together.

Calculus and PE had ended and we rejoined my new second friend Nora.

“How is your sister? I heard she is having a rough day.” She asked immediately.

“She is fine.” I sighed. I got tired in it already.

“That’s good, I think. If I were her I would skip the whole week, maybe the one after this too.” She said dreaming awake.

“Well Bella likes to suffer.” I told them.

They nodded understanding. We entered the cafeteria and I was welcomed by a scene that I had never expected. It wasn't much honestly but the impact it made will leave a mark, I was sure about it.

Bella tried to approach Edward when he and his siblings walked in from the otherside of the room. He didn't do much, just simply ignored her. He didn't even glance at her or say a hi before he moved to their table. No he just behaved like Bella didn't call for him. Poor girl blushed at embarrassment and returned to her table next to Angela. Jessica and Lauren made the bitchiest faces that yelled for a real punch.

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