Chapter 2| Dinner

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Alex pov:

I was watching the raindrops dripping down the car window as my father and I were driven to the Solace mansion. This marriage was going to be horrible, I'm planning on being as nice as possible to Ashley. Maybe if I'm nice to her, she'll be nice back, and we can be friends.

My train of thought was interrupted by my father's voice. "Alexander, sit up straight." My father said sternly. I felt like I couldn't sit any straighter. This suit was killing my back. Regardless, I tried to adjust my posture, so I was sitting straighter. I could feel my father's disappointed glare at me, like usual.

I sighed and turned to face my father. "May I ask why I'm marrying this woman again?"

My father looked at me, annoyed. "We want their money, and they want our ideas and associates."

I frowned slightly. "But that doesn't seem like a fair deal. It sounds like we're befitting more from this."

I was only making my father more annoyed. "We are. Once you two wed, then you'll have access to her bank accounts, and we can take her money. So you better not screw this up by being a wimp and make her want a divorce." I nodded my head and left the conversation there. I felt bad that my father wanted to use this woman. I'm sure she was kind. I quickly got lost in thought again.

Ten minutes later

The car slowed to a stop as I brought myself back to reality. A tall man in a suit opened our car door, letting my father and I step out. I looked up at the mansion. It was massive, and it lived up to its name. The Solace family was known for hosting old-style parties in their glamorous house. I followed my father, who was following the tall man up the stairs to the mansion. Why does a house need so many steps!?

I kept my head low, trying not to be too mesmerized by the beautiful interior of the mansion.

The tall man, who I'm guessing was their family butler, guided me and my father into an impressive dining room. When we entered the room, we were greeted with a large marble fireplace, white walls, and gold chandeliers that hung from the high ceiling. There wasn't much furniture, to begin with, a few long tables with ivory tablecloths and gold-trimmed chairs. I looked along the tables and noticed that two people were at the tables. One was a young woman, probably in her early twenties, with her father. I immediately recognized the woman as Ashley. She had a unique beauty that I could spot from miles away. Her father was an old Italian man who'd probably seen his fair share of the world.

"Mr Evergreen, welcome. I assume this is your son Alexander?" Mr Solace announced standing up. He had a thick Italian accent and a deep voice to go with it.

My father immediately walked over to shake Mr Solace's hand. "Yes, this is my son, Alexander." I stood awkwardly looking at the two men as they talked about me.

"Well, this is my lovely daughter, Ashley." Mr Solace smiled, introducing Ashley.

Okay, Alex, confidence. "Hi, it's nice to meet you." I smiled and reached to shake Ashley's hand.

Ashley simply frowned and looked me up and down. "Lui? Davvero?" She said, turning to face her father. Even though she was speaking Italian, I could hear her cold and disgusted tone.
[Him? Really?]

"Yes. Be nice." Mr Solace replied sternly. I had a small feeling they were talking about me, but I couldn't prove my theory since I don't speak Italian.

I heard Ashley mutter under her breath, but I couldn't hear what she said. She finally sighed and shook my hand. "Nice to meet you too, amore."

Amore? Didn't that mean love? Maybe she just says that to everyone. I was too busy in my head that I didn't notice Ashley's cold glare on me. When I finally did notice, I just gave her an awkward smile.

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