Chapter 26| Blaire

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Warning please don't take any of this seriously. This character is deranged and doesn't know right from wrong. Most of what they do is very very wrong. Skip this chapter if you need to.

Blaires pov: (that should be a warning in its self)

I had a decent childhood, Dad wasn't around but Mum was. I had two younger siblings so as the oldest I was made to take care of them, I didn't mind until it got in the way of my social life but I managed.

When I was 15 I really wanted to go out to a party but I was stuck babysitting my siblings. So I did what any big sister would do and locked my younger siblings in the only walk-in wardrobe we had. This meant I was free to go to my party and my siblings wouldn't be able to get hurt or anything. Win-win.

Unfortunately for me, my mum came home before she said she would. Okay, actually I just didn't come home until the morning because I lost track of time and got wasted. Once I did get home I got the scolding of a lifetime which wasn't entirely fair because my siblings were fine just hungry. Even worse, after that incident I was never allowed out unsupervised, making it hard to go anywhere or do anything actually fun.

When I was 17 my neighbours were hosting a barbecue. And after two hellish years, I was luckily left unattended. I wanted someone else to feel how I had felt even for a moment.

I looked around until my eyes laid on a little girl who had been bugging me the whole day with her stupid questions. She was perfect. And as a bonus, I'd be able to shut the brat up. I knew no one would notice if she was gone for a little while.

So when no one was looking I took the opportunity to grab the child. I covered her mouth with my hand as I dragged her into my neighbour's house.

While I was pulling her sobbing and shaking body up the stairs she began to kick and stomp which just made it inconvenient, it didn't help her at all.

Oh my god, she cried a lot.

I shoved her into a random room and locked the door so she was trapped in there.

Turns out people cared for the brat and came looking for her so I was forced to run away before I could do anything. Thankfully, they never saw me and just assumed she went wandering around.

The incident gave me this thrill, like a shot of adrenaline. This was definitely a feeling that I could never achieve in any other form of way. Nothing else could give me the high I was feeling at that moment. I was enjoying it. I liked it. I liked taking people, kidnapping them.

This wasn't something that I should just throw away. I had a golden ticket to feeling good and I'd gotten away with it. I was good at it like it was a hidden talent of mine. I didn't want to go around kidnapping random people. No, that would waste my talent and I'd get no profit. I needed to get paid for my talents.

But I couldn't do it then. No. That wouldn't work, I was too young, only 17. So I waited a few months before I turned 18.

Deciding 18 was a good age I put out an advertisement on Craigslist for anyone in my area who required my talents.

Not that I was surprised but I got a few successful gigs over the years. The money was really good. I said I wouldn't kill but when there was that much money I changed my rule to that I wouldn't kill unnecessarily. After a year or two I managed to get enough money to move out of my mum's house and into my own.


At this point, I'd been doing the job for around 5 years and I was still enjoying it, although I wanted something more risky to up the adrenaline. But I shouldn't complain, I'm doing what I love and I'm getting paid a lot for it.

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