Twenty Six

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R. L

I woke up to an excruciating pain in my stomach and cold sweats coating my skin as I ran to the bathroom. Based on the cramping in my stomach and cold sweats, I'm gonna say it's food poisoning or a stomach bug- both of which suck majorly.

I spent the first half hour of my day with my head in the toilet alternating between crying, dry heaving, and vomiting up bile since there wasn't anything in my stomach to throw up. Once I had gotten my self somewhat together, I immediately sat on the floor of the bathroom and called my mom.

"Hey honey! How's Michigan?" She chirped cluelessly.

"Mom im so sick" I cried. "I think I have food poisoning" I told her, sniffling and shivering.

"Oh baby" she sighed. "Get some water, a bucket, and lay in bed. Once you think you can stomach something, you need to eat plain. Plain rice, plain noodles, bread, stuff like that. I'm sorry your sick" I could hear the frown in her voice.

"Ok, thanks mom. Love you"

"Love you too, keep me updated on how your doing" I hung up and stood up, feeling extremely weak to the point I had to grip the sink with one hand while I brushed my teeth. I was still in shorts and tee shirt so I quickly pulled on a hoodie because I was freezing and basically stumbled down the steps, gripping my stomach.

"Hey Mel- woah" I looked up and saw Luke looking at me with wide eyes. "Um Quinn, she's sick"

"Im fine" I brushed him off, refilling my Stanley with fresh water to bring up with me. "Food poisoning, I'm gonna just lay in bed all day" I tried to sound as nonchalant as possible but both boys didn't buy it.

"I'll help you up" Quinn came over and ignored my protests as he picked me up and carried me up the stairs back to my room while Luke followed behind with a bucket. "I knew you were sick your just so damn stubborn" Quinn mumbled after he helped me back to my bed and tucked me under the comforter.

"Thank you for your help guys but if it's a bug I don't want you guys to get it so leave" I ordered, Luke was quick to give a salute and scurry out of there but Quinn lingered. I gave him a look and pointed to the door. "Quinn I'm not dying. Go."

"We dates for two years Mel, I've been with you sick and you do not like to be alone. I know you don't like me right now- rightfully so- but let me stay with you. I'll sit on the fucking floor and be silent if you want" he rolled his eyes as he plopped down on the floor in front of my night stand.

"Fine you can sit there and be quiet" I hummed sitting back against the headboard of the bed while some random episode of the Bachelor plays. He listened and sat there quietly, watching the tv just as I asked which was surprising. I didn't want to get my hopes up that maybe he was done being a self-loathing asshat but I also really, really wanted it to be that he was actually going back to the Quinn I loved.

I'm sick :(
Currently dying honestly

Oh no I'm sorry :(
Are you ok?
Do you need me to come home?

No Jacky have fun🥰
I'm ok, Luke and Quinn are helping
Yes I said Quinn
He apologized and I told him that I accept it but obvi it doesn't fix things
He was so mean
But it's def better ig

That's good to hear he's done being an ass
For now atleast
But seriously Mel, I can come back for you I don't care

Nooooo please have fun for me
I'm living vicariously through you
So act crazy and make memories for us

Attention | Q. Hughes Where stories live. Discover now