Thirty Three

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R. L

'You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard? You can't love anyone 'cause that would mean you had a heart'

The song blared through the speaker at exactly midnight on Friday, waking me up from my sleep. I cursed as I slipped my feet into some slippers and tip toed to my door, cracking it open to hear the guys yelling and jumping around like maniacs. "Damn Quinn! She's fucking you up" Trevor's loud ass mouth yelled in excitement.

"Shut the fuck up Trevor" I heard Quinn snap, making a satisfied smirk make its way to my sleepy face. Good. I hope he feels stupid. It's nice to have a small victory after constantly losing to him. "I'm just hoping this is the worst of the songs on the new album" he groaned. I thought about it, thinking maybe 'Get him Back' was worse but that song made both me and Quinn look like idiots. Same with 'Bad Idea, Right'. But Cailyn definitely took some lyrical shots at Quinn in those songs for sure.

"Again." Luke spoke as the song ended, immediately replaying the song as a chorus of cheers sounded while Quinn groaned. "Your entire comment section is gonna be these lyrics, you realize that right Quinnie?" Luke snorted.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight" my eyes widened as I heard him come running up the steps. I quietly shut my door and leaned back against it, hearing his footsteps pass my door and enter his room down the hall. Thinking I was safe, I plopped back down on my bed and opened Twitter to see the reaction to the song. Everyone was loving it.

I know ur up
I Heard the song obviously.
I got violated😭
I deserve it tho
How much input did you have on the lyrics?

I blushed and bit my lip at his texts, feeling a little bashful that my feelings lowkey were aired out for him and the rest of the world but it was a fantastic song. One of Cailyn's best easily.

None Cailyn is a lyrical genius
And she apparently likes to take Inso from her friends tragedies🥲
The others aren't as direct as that one id say
She comes at me too😭

Lmao great
Idk how she's sleeping rn
They're so loud

She's prob not asleep
She's prob celebrating the release with Jamie

We could celebrate too
Just saying

Go away
U still don't deserve it

Ugh I'm suffering here
My ego is bruised beyond belief
Help a guy out

In that case

Tomorrow we're going on the boat as a group
Can you sit next to me pls🙏🏼🥹

Ew don't ever use those emoji again
Sure I can
But don't be all over me, I feel like Jack is kind of...indifferent and I don't want to hurt him any more
I know I did bc I'm an idiot
But he's a really good guy and I hate doing this to him

Funny we talked abt this the other day
He's upset, he's def hurting but he's trying not to let u know that he isn't ok
I told him he could come to me
But he's Jack
He could never stay mad at u
And he will move on prob by Saturday night
He's a player
Love him but he's a slut

That was like mature of you.?
I didn't know u had it in you Quinnie
Thank you for being there for him

Gonna ignore that first part
But he's my brother I love him
I wanted to strangle him when you know...but yeah he's family
I'm glad he opened up to me abt it
You know
U could open up to me abt it too...

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