.05 figuring stuff out

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tw talk of overdosing

"come on it's the least i could do for dragging you around"
"you pay me to drag me around"

"that's not the point marely, please i don't want you driving through the city this late when your already tired" since i couldn't argue with her i parked and got out of the car. she smiled and looped her arm with mine.

we walked up the path and steps before she unlocked her front door.
her house was modern and nicely decorated. a wall beside her lounge room had a bunch of awards she must've won which was making me feel so outta place since she's accomplished all this and only a couple years older than me.

"lemme give you some clothes" she said walking off before shouting for me to follow her.
in the back of my mind i had my boss yelling at me how unprofessional it is to get close with a client but i can't really help it. billie is just easy to be friends with.

and technically i'm off the clock now. so it's my own time. billie handed me some clothes and showed me her bathroom saying i could have a shower if i wanted. after i got changed billie said she will have a shower and led me to her lounge.

"help yourself to anything in the kitchen ill be quick" she said before rushing off. i looked around her living area a little more noticing a collection of vinyls. she had a couple of her own music vinyls aswell as finneas's also having a display of others.

i pulled out my phone to message the girls that i wont be home tonight before genuinely just standing awkwardly in her house.

"relax mars" billie laughed walking back in and spreading out on her couch tapping the spot beside her. i sat down and she turned her tv on as we had a conversation about what to watch. naturally she wanted to watch the office and i didn't argue with her.

"so you know how you replay conversations over and over again in your head for like no reason" she started and i nodded. "earlier in the car you said you had a sister. did you mean to say had" that wasnt what i was expecting her to ask me.

"yeah" i said quietly and looking back to the show. i could tell she wanted to know what happened everyone always does. "if you want to know ill tell you" i said meeting her eyes which were already on me.

"you dont have to, only if you want" she assured me pausing the tv to give me her undivided attention so i knew she was listening.

"she overdosed when i was 11, and she was gone by the time i found her" billie rested her hand on my knee turning to her side to lean against the back of the couch and face me. "my parents, were out that weekend, didnt get back to the next day" i shrugged it off as if it wasnt traumatic. "she would have been 25 this year, doing nursing while living abroad somewhere"

"what's her name?" she said softy.

"like the fleetwood mac song?" she questioned with a small smile and i nodded smiling a little. she was raised on the right music.

billie didnt say anything after that and i dont know if i wanted her to. i unpaused the tv and we continued watching.

soon enough i was almost falling asleep on the couch. i might have had some naps but i dont really remember.

i mustve fully fallen asleep at some point because when i woke up sun was shining through the open windows in the living room. my leg was dead and as i woke up more i realized there was a weight keeping me from moving it.

billie was laid across my leg which i couldnt imagine was comfortable. i was surprised she didnt go sleep in her bed. picking up my phone from beside me i found a few missed calls from my dad.

"yeah?" i said upon calling him back.

"your mothers back in rehab" i hung up on him straight away throwing my phone to the ground. it was too early for that. i gently pulled my leg from under the singer and went to the bathroom. after a minute i left the bathroom and saw billie making some smoothie in her kitchen.

"good morning marely" she smiled, i smiled back grabbing my stuff. "your leaving? right now"

"i have to go to the gym, and all my stuffs still at home" i apologised. "do you need me for anything today"

the singer hesitantly shook her head and i was surprised by the fact it felt like she wanted me to stay. either way i thanked her for letting me spend the night and went to my car as she walked me out.

about 10 minutes into my drive an incoming call from josh came in. "what" i said not in a good mood from the call this morning.

"who pissed in your coffee" he said and i could tell he was rolling his eyes. "i need you for a club bouncer they only want young people"

"i'm working for billie"
"yes during the day, i need you to do this for me on nights, more money marley" he swayed.

i rested my head against my thumb and pointer as my elbow was on my window. "fine whatever" i said pulling onto the main road.

"only 4 nights a week" i added knowing i still had to do my study. after a debate we settled on 5 nights with monday and thursday off.

"great i'll let them know" he said his goodbyes and ended the call. but not even 5 minutes later i get more calls.

"this is marely oliver speaking" i said as the name wasn't coming up.

"hey marley it's laura, we need you this week for interviews. billie has been booked monday through saturday with interviews and a performance on snl"

"i'll be there just send me the locations" i sighed knowing this was going to be a long week.

i know i know bare with me it will get better

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