Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: A trip

A long time ago there was a war that affected the great lands of Grecia (gre-sia)
A war between an evil deeply rooted in the darkest place of the earth
Where darkness laid still and chaos wandered

And then there was light....a brightness above the surface where people rejoiced in their countries and thrived peacefully

It was a ticking time bomb as the darkness slowly seeped its way into the green grass and clear water lakes
Soon after.... everything was poisoned and cursed with the stench of evil surrounding every corner of the earth

But...there was a faraway land that held a different race of beings
A powerful existence that held immense strength within their whole core
Flying to impossible feats for the average human
Strength of a god that could break a lions jaw
Wisdom you seek from the wise clearly shown through their purple woven amethyst eyes
A family of sleek golden haired individuals
No one knew where they came from but some say they descended from the gods themselves
Each member held a particular power that has been passed through generations
A different individual was bestowed a gift that favored their attributes

They slayed the darkness that had been poisoning the lands and sent its evil back to its doom where it belongs under the deep dark depths of the earth where it shall never be heard from again

I finished reading the first page of the scroll that had appeared slowly as if it was being written right in this moment

What appeared next made my eyes open like saucers, a map

Not a GPS map or a world mystical map

A map that traced itself back to its origins where the monuments of Kazar were built

Of course now it's a modern century so I'm not even sure if those monuments still stand

I quickly take a seat on my desk and open up my laptop clicking on the search bar I type in monuments of kazar,Spain

What appeared were six old shaped like tombstones that had a dull grey color and not its old elemental appearance

A flight to Spain doesn't seem sudden for someone like me...except school starts in four days

If I buy my plane ticket now and leave tonight at 11:34 pm which is approximately in 10 hours and arrive in about 8 hours id arrive by tomorrow morning so I should be able to figure out the rest of this scroll at the landmark during the day time

I clicked first class which gave me around a one thousand dollar ticket
What one would kill for comfort I said with a sigh

I was knocked out of my thoughts as I heard my door being knocked on and one of the housekeepers voice call out
"Ma'am your father requests your presence in his office upstairs "

"Coming " I said while pulling on a t-shirt since I was only in a sports bra

I quickly exited my room and made my way upstairs through the familiar hallway I used to run up thousands of times year ago eager to tell on my brothers or just spend time with my father

I traced the paintings I passed on the way to his office
Each one bought from an auction from my mother, she had an eye for art

I knocked on his modern wooden door and then after a few seconds of hearing shuffling behind the door I heard his gruff voice reply dryly "come in"

I turned the knob and entered the spacious office that still held the same black carpet and glass square table in the middle of the room

His brown desk against the wall with his office chair behind it

His liquor cabinet still full of the most expensive and richest whiskey imported from around the world

His leather couches surrounding the glass tables still had the yellow pillows with sunflowers on them making them stand out because of its vibrant color since his office was dark and had solid colors

My mother bought those pillows in France for their anniversary trip and returned with them telling everyone how he needed color in his gloomy office

What she didn't know was that every time she entered the room it was instantly bright and colorful

Now the pillows remained there untouched and in place

I took a deep breath and took a seat in front of his desk while his cold eyes roamed anywhere else but my face
I stared directly at him showing him I wasn't here for no bullshit and nonetheless here to stall around wasting my time

He didn't speak for the first five minutes sitting in total silence until I've had it and slammed the palm of my hand down making him slightly flinch giving me his attention "How can I help you Luther you must know I'm a busy woman and have things to do and I'm sure you have aswell" I said anger settling in my eyes

He cleared his throat and masked his face void of emotions once again
"My apologies. I called you here because I heard your brothers told you about our dilemma regarding the witch in our house" I only nodded waiting for him to get to the point

"I want her out of my house as soon as possible, I don't care how you do it but make sure the kids don't get hurt. If anything getting them on our side might help us out " he said taking a sip of his bourbon

"I can do that, however I'm afraid I might have to deal with this another timé I have a flight to catch tonight " I said getting his full attention "you start school in Four days" he said stating the obvious

"I'll arrive during school after all I won't be assigned any work since it would be my first day and I'm a new student " I said my eyes not blinking

"...I suppose. I would ask where your going but lord knows you won't tell me so just take a bodyguard with you" he said setting his drink down again

"Thank you but I won't need one" I said standing up getting ready to leave
"I wasn't asking Everin"   He said making me stop in my tracks i turned around and faced him with with a glare which then subsided into a tight lipped expression

"Of course" I then walked out and headed back to my room to start packing a carry on

Clutching my necklace I whispered a promise I'll find out the secrets of the past don't worry mama


The Blackwells Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora