Part 12

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Chapter 12: Sparlin

When I was a kid all I ever thought about was cartoons,games,princesses,dragons,unicorns
Because when you open a book you a open a portal to worlds you wish existed

Except little did I know that world would slowly become a reality as soon as my life turned upside down that day
Now that I think about it my mother always encouraged me to keep reading about fairytales and how one day My dreams would come true I always imagined it as if it was a joke...but maybe she was telling me something all along

I gathered my luggage as I entered the elevator and punched in floor 3
I had gotten off the plane two hours ago and had to pass through customs and wait over an hour in traffic
I ditched my bodyguard the moment I got off the plane
Hopefully he can't track me fingers crossed

The doors opened automatically giving off a ding indicating my arrival, I turned to the left where the high end suites would be
Mine was the fourth to last. Swiping my key card it lighted green and I turned the knob and entered cautiously

The room was nice, something I was used too
There was a great big chandelier in the middle of the living room with comfy white lounge chairs and white lamps
It complimented the orange decor around the living room and kitchen

I looked inside the bedroom and noticed a welcome basket as well as my name on a white fancy greeting card
Multiple business cards and bribery laid in that basket I didn't even have to check

I headed towards the balcony and opened the blinds to face the bright blue ocean that sparkled before my eyes
Beautiful I thought to myself

I settled my things and took the scroll out of my suit case making sure it was still intact
I then changed into some dark green cargo shorts and a black tank top pairing it with black hiking boots
I then grabbed my traveling backpack and placed my wallet,face mask,scroll and power bank in it and lastly the gun I sneaked out of my body guard's holster

I checked once more to make sure I had everything and then grabbed my key card and placed it in the back of my phone case
I then closed my room door and then took the elevator down to the lobby

The doorman then got me a taxi to which I thanked him by giving him a 100 dollar bill
As I settled into the back seat of the taxi I gave the driver the directions which made him curious since according to him nobody visits those pillars anymore

I insisted and he shrugged his shoulders but nonetheless continued towards the pillars

30 minute's later

I finally arrived at the deserted site and wired the driver a 300 dollar tip through his phone which he greatly appreciated, he then gave me his number offering to come back whenever I was ready which I accepted

He waved and drove off leaving me to my destination

Letting out a breath of nervousness I started my way towards the trail which was covered by mostly weeds and overgrown grass
I continued unbothered until I finally saw the pillars a little more in the distance over a hill

I made my way walking faster then before eager to reveal the secrets of whatever was in this scroll

As I finally made my way onto the hill I noticed the pillars all mounted on top of a cement floor which has intricate designs that of a stars and space

I placed my backpack on the ground and then took out the scroll and opened it slowly revealing its contents
What caught my eye was an image of six people
Each person had their own unique characteristics from the way they looked to their style
Immediately I could tell these were the original warriors of the six families
But what caught my eye was the person in the middle...the seventh person was from the forgotten seventh family
A woman...With long Golden hair almost as bright as the sun
And the most mesmerizing purple eyes, she was tall with a curvy body that of a goddess

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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