Chapter 34 | No Answer

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"We're over."

The words I knew I needed to hear but had been dreading. I tried, and he tried, but maybe it was just destined for doom. I may have liked him, but my bond with Tyler was something I hadn't felt with anyone.

"I know, I'm sorry."

He sat opposite me, his eyes sad and dark from the conversation. "I really did try Bella; I did. I wanted to be it for you, but maybe I was too late, but it's not too late for you and him, you know."

I nodded, words escaping me. His phone rang, and my eyes went to the caller ID. "Lilah *heart emoji*" That was what he had her saved as. I gave him an expectant look, and he winced. "My friends aren't too happy, but I got back with her after the camping trip. Shitty, I know, since we are now breaking up, but I figured we were over anyway." I nodded again, not sure how to feel. Did it constitute cheating? Could I even be mad since I'd been doing the same thing with Ty? I guess not.

"Isn't she supposedly psycho?"

He laughed, the air feeling lighter. "Yeah, but I don't know; maybe she is to me what Tyler is to you."

"I've never kissed him, you know, or anything physical like that. Everyone around them seems to think I like him, but I don't know."

"You don't like him, Bells; you love him. There was a big difference, and it was dumb of me to try and compete with that."

His phone rang again, and he shook it. "Psycho's calling; I've got to run." I nod in return and watch him leave.

I sigh and place my head on the table-that is until the sound of shuffling bodies catches my attention. "Tell us everything." I look at the eager girls in front of me, not bothering to conceal their happiness now that I am single and ready to mingle with Tyler. Their words, not mine.


"Alright, class, settle down!" Alison, Tessa, and I simultaneously stared at the two empty seats, missing Ethan and Dylan's bodies. We shot each other a look and shrugged. The boys were probably doing boy stuff.

"Today's class will be extremely different and short. Since we are only two and a half months away from the end of the school year and you lot will be graduating, I'm assigning an essay for extra credit. No more than 2000 words, double-spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12. In this essay, you will write about life outside of high school, where you want to go, and what you want to do. You will also write a letter to your future self; after I mark it, you'll bury it somewhere, and ten years later, you can go see how many things you accomplished. This is an out-of-class activity, so you're all free to leave. I want this in by the end of the week. Class dismissed."

Shuffling chairs and moving bodies hastily exited the room, leaving Ali, Tess, and me. "I'll call Dylan and check where they are." We walked out of the class as she dialled his number and headed to the parking lot, knowing we had time before our next class." "No answer, Tess; can you try Ethan?" She nodded and called him next. My heart sank as she shook her head and said, "No answer." I took out my phone, already dialling Tyler. I looked at them and said, "No answer."


We stood outside Dylan's place as we rang the doorbell. It was getting warmer as summer was fast approaching. The door swung open, and Ethan's eyes widened when he saw us. "What are you guys doing here?" "Did you forget we have school today?" I asked him. My heart was racing from fear, and his face was pinched like he was stressed out. "Here, come in." "Ethan, is it him?" Dylan's jog down the stairs slowed down as he saw us. He hugged Ali and turned to say, "Ty's gone; we woke up this morning, and he isn't here. We can't find him anywhere."

My heart dropped to my stomach. "What do you mean, where could he have gone? What the hell has been going on?" I stared at them in anticipation as they exhaled. "Look, he's going to kill us for telling you, but today's the anniversary of his mom's death. We looked in the cemetery, but we didn't see him. We were going to check school next, but seeing as you haven't seen him, we don't know where to go." I latched on to every letter as Dylan explained it to me.

The anniversary of his mom's death. Missing. He could be in trouble right now.

"We'll help you look for him." I turned to the girls, and they nodded and placed their things on the couch. "I'll check the cemetery again; you guys check the parks, playgrounds, and school, okay?" I announced, and they nodded frantically, moving for car keys and light sweaters. "Wait, guys, you need to know that he goes down a deep hole today. He isn't himself, so just be careful, okay?" I heeded Ethan's warning with a nod and ran out.


"What are you doing here?" I looked at him, the shadows on his face and his red eyes, devoid of any happiness. "Looking for you." I traipsed beside him and sat down on the ground beside him as we continued to drink and stare at the gravestone. "You can talk to me, Ty; you can trust me." I made a move to touch him, but he jerked away and stood up. "I know, I fucking know that, but it's not that easy. I can't relive those days again." "But you're reliving it now, in your head; let me help you, Ty." "No, I don't need your help; I need you to leave me the fuck alone. You don't know what it's like; you have no fucking idea what it's like for me."

Oh, believe me, Ty, I do.

I stood up and stared at him. "November 25." His eyes locked onto mine, and I swallowed and took a deep breath. "A month before Christmas. There was this toy I really wanted, but the only place that had it was an hour away. I didn't know it then, but my mom decided to leave work early and go get it for me." I let out a shaky exhale and continued, fighting the tears in my eyes. "It was raining, ironically enough, even though it was supposed to be snowing. It was a highway, and this guy was drunk and lost control of the car. She died."

"I'm not telling you this for you to pity me. I'm telling you because I want you to know that I get it, Ty. I get the pain and the longing for something that was snatched away from you. I won't force you to talk to me, but I'm here for you, Ty. Please, let me be here for you."

For a moment, we looked at each other, and I thought that finally, I'd gotten through to him, but he bowed his hands, clenched his fist, and I felt the first drop of rain. "Leave." "But Ty-" The beer bottle in his hand hit the tombstone, and I jumped. "Leave me the fuck alone, Isabella." I jumped back at the fervour in his eyes. Suddenly, it wasn't Tyler; it was my father, and we weren't in the cemetery; we were at home. He found me hiding in the closet and pulled me out. A belt hit my back. Bile made its way up my throat, and I ran. "Bella, wait, fuck, I'm sorry!" I ran as fast as I could, hopped in my car, and sped off.

At that moment, I didn't see Ty; I saw my oppressor, my tormentor, and my personal demon. I called Dylan and told him I'd spoken to Tyler, but I needed to get home. He said he'd rush over and thanked me.

I perched on the driveway, my hands tightening and my chest heaving, and tears flowed down. The sound of cackling, whips, pain, tears, and screams filled my brain, and I got out of the car and sat on the pavement, the rain washing over me.


My thoughts were consuming me, and I couldn't breathe. Oh my God, no, please, no, please leave me alone.


My phone blared in the quiet night, and I looked at the caller ID and the time. 1:53 am. Why the hell is Tessa calling me?

"Hello?" My voice was groggy, and I tried to remember when I had even come inside and fallen asleep.

"Bella, Ty's in the hospital, and he's unconscious; he crashed his bike."

I hung up the phone, and my body went cold. What would happen if I allowed myself to admit that I cared? Would he be taken from me like my mom was? Or perhaps he'd leave like Matty. Maybe I'd screw up so badly that he'd grow to resent me like my father. Questions I'd been dying to know the answer to, and now that the universe is answering, the universe is going to take him away from me.

God, please tell me this is just for the plot. I can't lose anyone else.


Hello lovelies! I'm back. I apologize for the wait. It's been hard to write a good chapter, and I must've deleted it a million times before this draft. Thank you for your support and everything; I really appreciate it.

Also, I bet you're happy Daniel and Bella are over, eh? In my defence, it's for the plot, okay?

Anyway, it's night for me. I'll see you in the next update. Be sure to check the message board for updates about this book, and you can always comment or message me if you're unsure about the release of another chapter. That is all. Farewell!

- Thingimajiga

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