Chapter 1 | Hey asshole!

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Chapter 1 | Hey asshole!

I hate alarms.

Why would someone invent such a horrible thing? As if waking up isn't bad enough but now you have to wake up to the obnoxiously loud sound of the alarm every morning.

Thank you Levi Hutchings for inventing alarms.

I willed myself out of bed and made my way to my washroom. Shivering slightly, I stuck my hand in and waited until the water became warm, then smiled as the warm water encompassed me. After 15 minutes, I got out and wrapped myself in a towel.

Okay Bella think, it's your first day of school, everyone is gonna be judging...what do you wear? Something cute...something cute...ou sweats! Jackpot!

I took the grey sweatpants out and admired them...hello my trusty friend. I glanced over at the clock and my heart sped up, he'll be here in 10 minutes...shit!

I hurried picked out a long white top and my white air force and dressed up,

7 minutes remaining...

I ran to the washroom and put on my makeup which consisted of only mascara, lipgloss and concealer to hide the bruises. I put my black hair up into a messy bun, ignoring the several strands sticking up all over the place.  That'll do...first impressions are overrated.

5 minutes remaining...

I ran to my bed and fixed it and double-checked my room to ensure I didn't miss anything.

2 minutes remaining

I ran downstairs with my bags, grabbed a banana and ran out before he caught me.

30 seconds...

I searched for the keys and my eyes widened...oh God. I stared at the house as if it were a giant venus flytrap then I tiptoed back in, I heard the loud footsteps thudding and quickly grabbed the keys to get out.

5 seconds...

I saw the light in the living room flicker on and I stepped on the pedal and drove away from the house. That was close.

I checked the time and saw that it was 6:00 am so I drove to the nearest coffee shop which was called The Palm Tree Diner. I got out of the car and felt the humid air around me.

California sure is beautiful.

I parked the car and went in. The scent of coffee filled my nostrils. I looked around, there was nobody here besides the cashier. The walls of the cafe were painted with palm trees and there was an entire wall that was painted as the beach. There were string lights that hung around the diner. I ordered my favourite drink which was a mocha frappuccino then made my way to the corner of the petite coffee shop and checked the time once again. I still had thirty minutes before I had to leave so I took out a book and started reading.

I chuckled to myself, why do the girls ALWAYS fall for the bad boy honestly!? is so overrated.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see that happen in real life but unfortunately, it only happens in books. Besides, love is just a myth or as Hardin Scott said 'Love is just a transaction. We're all hardwired to desire. We present the correct set of desirable traits and boom! We can turn it on or we can turn it off.'  I got up after glancing at the time and made my way to my black Chrysler.

I pulled up at the school not too long after. Luckily for me, the parking lot was basically empty so I parked in the one nearest to the school and went inside. I was early so I decided to take the time to look around the school before getting my schedule from the office.

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