Evan's Movie

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Evan was a bit upset because of the inauspicious incident but I don't believe in all these sentiments. I hate these illogical superstitions and trusting omens than ourselves. Though my family has the roots of Indian family background, I was born and brought up here in London. I feel I belong to this place than India and of course I have never visited India until now. I went to Evan as mom asked me to give him coffee.

"Evan, sip this coffee to stop your unnecessary thoughts," I said and sat on the chair next to him.

"Aura, I don't know why but I feel something wrong. I just don't want to lose you in my life. From my childhood, I lost everything I love and I don't want that to happen in your case," Evan said.

"Relax, man. Nothing will happen now. I was a bit careless and that's why my dress caught fire. Forget it. No one can ever separate us from each other," I said.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound but I couldn't understand from where did that come.

"Aura, are you fine?" Evan said, patting on my shoulder.

"Did you hear any sound?"

"What kind of sound are you talking about?"

"I don't know but it's like some announcement or something like that," I said, confused.

"I think it's better to go out for a while. Maybe you are also affected unknowingly with that incident. Come, let's go. And don't worry, I will never leave your hand whatever happens in our lives," Evan said, holding my hand and promising me by kissing it.

"I love you," I said cupping his face and kissing him. Evan immediately deepened the kiss without allowing me to break it. Then he broke the kiss and pulled me near to him.

"Your kiss is enough to remove any stress and tension from my mind," Evan said.

"Really?" I said encircling my hands over his neck.

"You are my peace, Aura," Evan said, kissing in my neck again.

"Evan, control yourself for now. If anyone sees us like this, it won't be good," I said.

"We already did it many times," Evan said, with a mischievous smile.

"Of course but I don't want my family to know that atleast until we get married," I said.

"Just a few more months for our marriage," Evan said and I hugged him.

Evan and I went out to roam for a while to change our mood. I asked Evan to take me to the pub and Evan agreed though he hates pub. Evan and I have different tastes but still something made us fall for each other. After enjoying at pub, we reached to Evan's apartment.

"Aura, I need to tell you something," Evan said.

"What is it? Why are you sounding dull?" I said and Evan took me closer and caressed my hairs.

"I am leaving to India within a few days," Evan said and I was shocked with his words.

"But you never shared this with me."

"Aura, I know you hate India though you have never visited India. But I was born and grew up in India. That's my mother land. I always have a dream of taking a movie that depicts Indian culture. For that, I need to visit India. I am not going to settle down there. I will be back for sure for you. Do you think I can live without you?" Evan said.

"No but I feel anxious. I don't know but I feel this trip is not necessary now."

"Aura, I will stay there only for six months. We will complete the shooting soon and I will be back to you. You can mail me the costume designs and no need to accompany me. This is my dream project and I need to do this," Evan said firmly.

I know Evan loves India a lot. And if he takes a decision, no one can convince him. I trust him but can I stay without him for six months? I doubt that.

I nodded and stayed silent.

"Hey sweetheart, chillax. This dullness is not suitable to arrogant Aura. Come on my girl, cheer up," Evan said, kissing me on my cheek.

"Stop it, Evan. I am not in a mood. Leave me," I said but Evan pulled me onto his lap.

"Aura, what is this, babes? If you are this upset, how can I leave to India and focus on my project?" Evan said.

"Okay. Tell me what is your storyline," I said.

"A warrior princess," Evan said.

"What? Are you crazy? Who will be interested in such an old concept?"

"Everyone who loves history, culture, India and those who believe in Karma," Evan said confusing me.

"What are you talking, Evan? Are you off your nut? Culture and karma? What nonsense is that?" I said feeling bored with his talk or non sense.

Evan smiled and his smile is full of grace and confidence.

"Karma is not foolishness. It's not mere belief. It's not superstition. It's not rocket science. Karma is associated with everything you think, do and wish to do. Your fate is nothing but your choices and deeds. Destiny is also decided by your choices," Evan said.

"Evan, please stop your speech. If I hear it for some more time, I will go crazy. I don't understand from where do you get this kind of concepts."

"Aura, there is a warrior princess before 250 years who strongly believes in this concept. She even made Britishers think and respect Indian culture and Dharm (one's duty or responsibility). But don't know why I never heard about her in India anytime. I want to know about her and take movie on her life. But unfortunately I don't even know to which place does she belong or whom to ask. So I have decided to take the movie inspired by her but written by me.

India holds many secrets and stories of kings and queens which are unknown or little known to Indians today. But every King and Queen is an inspiration and known for their courage.

Instead of taking movies with extreme violence, nonsense extra marital affairs, and abusal relationships, this generation needs the stuff that makes them think, get aware and remould themselves into great humans. I don't know whether my movie will be a commercial hit or flop but I will be happy if it helps atleast a few youngsters to get inspired and live as the best humans," Evan said.

"Evan, people need entertainment. They already have too many things to handle and even if movie is also something that preaches or teaches them, they get irritated."

"Everyone are not that way, Aura. I am sure my concept gives them confidence to live their life happily."

"But how can this warrior princess concept gives them confidence?"

"Just wait and see until my movie releases," Evan said.

This guy is totally mad with India and it's culture. I stopping my argument as I know him well. I just wish him all success.

We dozed off after a while chitchatting with each other. Suddenly I heard some sounds in the midnight disturbing my slumber.

Hi friends, how is the episode? What happened to Aura? What are those sounds? Why does she hate India?

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