Stranger at the Pool

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"I am thinking of going for a swim." I stood and said to the others in the Living Room.

They did not ask. It was an out-of-the-blue thing for me to say. I was feeling the need for some cool water. I wanted to explain why I was leaving in case someone thought I was doing something else.

Depending on what direction I headed from where I stood, I could have been going anywhere. To the office. To the elevator. To the kitchen. Of those, the elevator would have caused the most interest, as I might have been heading to the store or to get some food from any of the many places in the downtown condo tower that Casa De Gato Dos sits atop. If I had been headed for the Mexican food place, that would have had many takers.

But no. Just going for a swim. Nothing so exciting as a burrito.

"You just want to get us naked." Denise accused me from her place on the couch, curled up with her current book. For once it was light reading, not a manual to something like the latest Crew device or weapon or worse: an investigation report from Crew. Important but usually boring. I liked Denise's choice. She was re-reading the Hillerman books.

Jessica looked up from her screen, sitting next to Denise. Jessica was working on some clinic thing. "He does not have to go swimming for that. He just has to ask. He is usually straightforward about requests of that nature."

"He does not even have to ask. All he needs to do is go and lay in the bed naked. Someone will follow him, eventually. If not more quickly." Morgan pointed out from the recliner. She was looking at a work thing on a screen. Kind of why I was feeling the need to swim. I do not feel like working or reading.

"Follow? I laugh at you all. I lead. I take what I want." Helen commented far more mildly than her aggressive words might otherwise indicate. Helen was flipping through an actual stack of paper. Very old school. Probably Council shit. Probably financial shit. Don't care. Helen loves Council work so more power to her, but I am done with it for now.

Rachel set down her crochet project. She is making a washcloth out of Bamboo fiber for use in the shower. She raised a finger. "I'll go swimming. I could do with a dip."

I waved at Rachel with a curling, come hither motion and headed for the sliding glass door to the condo. "Come on. Sometimes a swim is just a swim. No ulterior motives." I said.

Rachel got up and followed me. "Doesn't have to be."

Damn. Rachel interested is rare for her and me, and that can't be on the menu for right now.

"Kind of does. Nakoma is sunning herself beside the pool." I pointed out.

"Oh. Damn. Forgot." Rachel said.

"Yeah. Adult children are still children." I said.

"Damn it. Well: You can still rub suntan lotion on me." Rachel said reasonably.

"True. Rain check?"

"Absolutely." Rachel agreed. I do not know what brought this on, but being rare it needs to be cherished.

I never know whether a pool party will develop from an invite but with one of our kids over? The party shall remain less affectionate than it might otherwise. Even after 30 years of marriage, we all remain young at heart.

Helps to be a Vampire I suppose.

Nakoma and Angel aren't Vampires yet, but they are long-lived Astrals so the point holds. When you have a couple of hundred years to make up your mind about coming over, you can take your time.

I stepped out to the roof patio of the condo. Nakoma was stretched out on her stomach, hanging off the end of a lounger. She is in that uncomfortable-looking position because she is looking at a screen on the pavement and lazily flipping through it.

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