Claremont Hunting

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When the young Astral (early middle-aged for a human) and the brand new Vampire entered the Winery, Cristine became distracted from the mission and interested in the building and the Claremont wine-making operation. People were milling about busily, men and women. Cristine's new Vampire situation and her friend were forefront of her mind. This entire trip to France was new to Cristine. Claremont Estate, winemaking, grape orchards, and this part of France are places and things Nakoma knows well. It is part of her family's home and a centuries-long family tradition.

Cristine's mission was still on her mind. Her recently densified and rewired brain bubbled in a stew of hormones from her rejuvenated body. With the promise of sex coming soon, Cristine was able to let the anticipation build. To take the time to look around. See the historic and perfectly maintained estate. Smell the odors of fresh yeast doing its work. Watch people going about their day. The training at Boot Camp aided her. Cristine could allow her teenage-equivalent mating needs to take a temporary backseat to intellectual curiosity.

Nakoma assured her that they would be successful in their pursuit of sexual congress, or in Vampire terms, 'hunting'. Hunting to the degree that looking to get laid at a target-rich environment such as Claremont is anything like traditional Vampire hunting. Nakoma has 'hunted' successfully here many times before.

Cristine did not think of that as Nakoma bragging about her sexual success but instead simple reporting to reassure her friend. When one goes out with Nakoma on a mission to find male companionship, that felt like a sure thing. Between her Astral-ly derived self-assurance, ability to read the men and filter out the shitweasels, would be no problems. There was also Nakoma's stunning physical beauty to consider. According to a conversation Cristine had with Angel a while back, the physical attractiveness of her daughter was a gift from Nakoma's combination sperm donor biological father and all-around stunningly awful human being. Taken together there was little doubt in Cristine's mind that they were not only going to find men but that they would not be settling in any way. The men they landed would be pleasant companions.

The sex at Boot Camp had not been awful. The tantric sex classes had been fun. Very good for teaching the new male Vamps how to chill out. Take their time, not suddenly be 17-year-old kids again. In a hurry. Bunny rabbits. Butterflies flitting from flower to flower.

Cristine felt like looking around outside of the artificial confines of the Camp would be more interesting. More choices. Less structure. Not to mention that at Boot Camp there was a lot of competition for the newly turned males. Part of why they could flit from situation to situation for their next pneumatic engagement. There were numerous volunteers at the Camp. Vampire Women volunteered there because they wanted to get male Vampire nookie. For older female Vampires, the idea of not being on a steady diet of delicate human men was enticing, and the volunteer list at the Boot Camp was long.

Working to help Vampire men chill and at the same time having a lover have Vampire stamina and be less breakable was a great enticement for volunteer work. Went too fast? Feed them and go again.

For this pair of women calling looking for sex 'hunting' is a misnomer. Nakoma has no blood needs. Cristine did not yet either: She did not yet have her fangs. It was not a one hundred percent sure thing she would get them. Her VMC came from Morgan. Over the last twenty years, there had been several other turns that never got fangs, but only when Morgan was the VMC donor.

Morgan was the mutant offspring of a mutant. Her and Adrian's VMC biome as sources for turns were popular choices.

Without blood imperatives, Nakoma and Cristine were hunting in the classical human sense. The searching people down the ages had done in bars and gyms.

Some Vamps still hunt in places like that. Cristine met a man named Mike. He had turned a few years back. His turn was from what Cristine could discern a complicated family drama. Mike is a former lover of Janie's. Even farther back, he had been a lover of Morgan's. Mike was also the father of Janie's son. He is a nice-looking and well-built man. Despite all that history, Mike is not part of the Sagan family. Janie, at Morgan's encouragement, left him decades back to be a Sagan. Mike turned only recently. The family decided that they were going to offer Janie's son a chance to turn. He would not come over unless his father did.

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