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September 6, 2026

"And I'm not giving up, but tell me if I run away how long will I bleed?"-Matt Maeson

The pounding of my heart flooded my ears, as I stuffed the gray duffel bag full of canned food. My hands speedily cramming as many cans as possible into the bag. Uneasiness creeping throughout me at the entire situation.

Was I really about to leave all these people to die? My blood was supposed to protect them, and now I'm leaving them for dead.

My heart stopped when I heard the cafeteria doors open, two voices bounced around the cafeteria walls, growing closer to the kitchen where I was knelt down by a shelf.

Briskly I snatched the heavy duffel bag by the handle dragging it behind one of the large stainless steel stoves out of sight, crouching down beside it. Placing my hand over my mouth, as I heard the kitchen door swing open. The air felt almost too thick to breathe.

"Did you hear people talking about going topside once they get the vaccine?" One man's voice cracked over the hum of the refrigerators.

"Seriously?" Another man spoke.

I could hear the shelf rattle, one of the men must have grabbed some canned food from it. They were likely night guards snagging dinner before their shifts began. I was certain they'd hear my hammering heart, and report me to Fenwick.

"Yeah, they are talking about finding a gated neighborhood and then creating their own community," the first man answered. The sound of a can being cut open filled their brief silence. "Could you imagine living above ground again?"

I closed my eyes, trying to fight my uneven breath. Everything inside me is screaming at me to jump out, and shout at them to not get the vaccine. I want to tell them to run, but they would just think I was insane. Guilt riddled me as I listened in on their lighthearted conversation, knowing tomorrow their fates would be sealed.

After a couple minutes the pair left, allowing me to exhale a sigh of relief. My face bunched up attempting to lift the bag onto my shoulders, I'm quite certain it weighs more than I do. After a couple tries I successfully slung it onto my back.

The scouting trucks have a reserve of four packs of water bottles, in case they get stranded. So that wasn't the current necessity. Ezra was grabbing Jenna, neither of us would be able to live with leaving her here to die.

I approached the agreed upon meeting spot, outside the storage sector, seeing as it was the closest to the exit. Relief swelled throughout me seeing Ezra and Jenna. He was kneeled down in front of an extremely hysteric Jenna. Two duffel bags resembling mine were placed against the concrete on both sides of Ezra. My eyes locked onto the holstered pistol on his waist, confirming he did raid the armory.

"We can't go out there, the monsters live out there," Jenna cried out, flailing in Ezra's arms.

No, the real monsters live here. I decided it best to keep that thought to myself though.

"Jenna, look at me. I know this is scary, but right now it's safer out there. Do you trust me?" Ezra attempted to calm the little girl.

She just slightly nodded her head, wiping at the tears falling down her face.

"So I promise I won't let anything happen to you, neither would Florence," he reassured.

"Pinky promise?" Her red icy blue eyes met his, holding out her pinky.

"Pinky promise," he stated, wrapping his pinky around hers.

Ezra's dread consumed eyes met mine, before shifting to the bag on my back. "Let me take that one, you take this one," he gestured to one of the two identical gray duffel bags that sat against the concrete.

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