
48 9 3

September 9, 2026

"Hellfire, Hellfire take my soul..." -Barns Courtney

"Who the hell is that?" Lorelai narrowed her eyes on Emily who trailed behind us, while leaning against the back of the Santa Fe.

"Emily," I muttered, walking past her to the passenger seat.

Ezra briskly took the battery to the front of the car while Nick popped the hood of the vehicle.

I placed Jenna against the tan leather of the passenger seat. "Keep an eye on my bow for me," I gave her a slight smile, setting the bow on the floorboard. Lorelai had followed me badgering me about the new woman. I gave Jenna a reassuring wink before shutting the door. My face instantly contorted to a scowl as it faced Lorelai.

"Don't tell me we are taking her with us," she whined, following on my trail. I was leading her away from Emily's earshot, the poor woman had been through enough.

Once I felt we were far enough I stopped beside a large oak tree in front of a shabby coffee shop, twisting back to her. "Do you ever stop complaining?" I groaned, running my hand over my face.

"We can't let this complete stranger come with us!" She argued while crossing her arms over her chest.

"We can, and will," I spat.

"Look at her, she looks disgusting, barbaric even, there's no telling what she will do," Lorelai exclaimed quite loudly. I glanced over briefly catching Emily's eyes that painfully surrendered down the concrete. My fist balled up, as I clenched my jaw looking back to Lorelai.

"Shut the fuck up. You have no idea what that woman has been through," I hissed, getting inches from her face. "You don't get to do absolutely nothing for this group, then act like you can make all the calls. You were a stranger to me as well, hell you still are. Maybe I should leave you behind, see how you fare."

Her face instantly fell for a brief second, before regaining composure, "Nick and Finn would never let that happen."

I laughed. "You want to bet? You think they will choose their fuck buddy or the person who can make them immune?" I angrily whispered to her.

I knew it was a low blow, that likely wouldn't even be true, but I desperately needed her to shut up for my own sanity.

She heatedly scowled at me, shaking her head as she stormed back to the vehicle. I took a deep breath, staring up at the cloudy sky while I unclenched my fist.

"I can leave, I don't... I don't want to be a bother," Emily whimpered, intercepting me before I could reach the vehicle.

I shook my head, "You are not a bother. Lorelai is just a bitch."

"Are you sure? I can just-"

"No, you can stay with us. It's not a bother, I promise. I won't let them get ahold of you again," I interrupted, meeting her eyes that were brimming with tears.

"Thank you," she whispered with a halfhearted smile.

"See if she starts up," Nick hollered to Ezra.

A smile formed on my lips as the car sputtered to life. I turned back to Emily who also had a smile on her face, however hers was swathed with a muted sadness.

A thundering crack in the humid air hit my ears, I felt warm liquid splatter across my face. My eyes widened and ears rang watching Emily fall limp in front of me in what felt like slow motion, a bullet hole lodged in the middle of her forehead. My feet felt planted to the pavement, staring into her brown eyes that were still wide open.

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