.... What?....

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A sweet smell diffused into the air

"Sir let me do it" A maid with worried expressions tried her best to take the cone filled with whipped cream out of Seungmin's hand

But he wont let her take it "I can do it"

With a keen look seungmin was focused on that one cupcake

He had a strawberry flavoured whipped cream cone which was plastic wrapped and tied with a weak rubber band in his hand and was ready to decorate that small cupcake

"You can do it!" Felix said while controlling his expressions

Seungmin grabbed the cone tightly and by mistake pressed it so hard ...

The rubber band flew in the air and the cream blasted on his face

Felix grabbed his mouth Trying his best not to laugh but he couldn't control himself

Felix grabbed a cherry and kept it on the human cupcake

"YOU look better now BHAHA-"

The maid held tears in her eyes trying her best not to get fired for laughing


The maid nodded and searched for a tissue in the kitchen while felix was on the floor not caring about seungmin's condition

Seungmin was not able to see clearly when he felt something on his face

Chan wiped the cream off his face with the handkerchief

"I get the cream but how did the cherry flew on your head " Chan took the cherry off his head and kept it on the kitchen counter

"It was felix who tied it"

Felix denied while he was actually the culprit

"Now dont fight " Chan said while chuckling a little at seungmin's face

The latter recieved a smack on his chest later but was still laughing out loud ...

Minho came down his room because of the loud noise ...

He looked around but Jisung was nowhere...not even with his friends

He sighed "I hate sundays ...Its better to be busy than to have nothing to do"

Minho heard Chan laughing out loud downstairs ...And smiled to himself

As he knows that Chan had barely laughed his heart out in his young days

"Okay I will stop" Chan said and hugged seungmin


Minho noticed his parents ...he ran downstairs but before he reaches...

The elder turned his ring ...and was going to slap him brutually

"I should have not brought you" he said
In a low voice which was only audible to Chan who held his head low

The elder 's hand was in air going to hit His eldest son at any moment when Minho Grabbed it and threw his hand away

"Enough !" Minho grabbed Chan's hand and dragged him out of there

Chan released his hand out of Minho's grip

" why did you drag me !"

"To save you from that -"

" I KNOW I AM NOT STRONG AS CONPARED TO YOU BUT IM NOT A WEAKLING " Chan pushed Minho by his shoulder qhich was hurt due to fracture and walked out of the mansion

Mafia and his maid ? || MINSUNG FF Where stories live. Discover now