The End (real)

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" Its time to decide " Jisung opened his eyes and Saw himself standing on a white fog which was shaped like a cloud

He looked around And nothing was Visible except white brimming view and clouds under his feet

Jisung looked at his cloth he was wearing the same jacket of Minho he wore for the first time

" Where am I ?" He asked

Jisung looked infront of him As he heard a familiar female voice

" Mom? " He Asked in a low tone

The lady smiled at her son and patted his head

" We are somewhere between heaven and hell ...I came to take you with me " She said while A soft smile was plastered on her Face

Jisung frowned and took his hand back from her grip

He asked stuttering as tears started to fill his eyes " Am- am I dead"

The lady shook her head " not yet my son The Court above has decidded to give you one more chance " she continued

" a chance ?" Jisung asked

" Its up to you to decide whether You want to come with your mom and live in heaven or go back to the earth " She said

" Mom? You are dead No- that - cant happen I cant live without you mom " jisung cried As he exclaimed

" Ik How much emotional you are my son But we cant change Our decision ...the Heaven Called me and I had to leave" She said

Jisung sniffed and wiped his tears

He was Caught up

One of his thought was telling him to leave the earth and be With her mom forever

While in the same time Minho's Face was crossing his mind again and again

The Moments where he spent his Time with his friends

Those happy moments of his life

" Do I really need to decide " Jisung asked

She nodded

" I- I Cant leave you mom but-"

" Dont worry kid Remember I'll always be with you whether its in life or after life " She said while patting her son's head

Jisung looked at his mother and recollected Every moment of them together since kid

" I have decided " He continued

" I want to live " Jisung said as tears flowed down his cheeks

The lady nodded and hugged her son for the last time

Jisung broke in her hug

He did not break the hug until his mom's body faded from his hands and the white fog faded from his feets

He observed black colour covering the brimming white Atmosphere

The smell of vanilla Faded with a familiar smell of a disinfectant

Jisung slowly opened his eyes and saw a white celieng in front of him

He looked around

'Am I in a hospital now ' he thought

"You woke up " Jisung Flinched a little and looked Beside him

He saw a nurse With a file in her hand

The nurse left from there after saying her sentence

Jisung looked at his own figure

His left leg was fractured while many bandages were on his arm

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