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"Please stop crying," Eleanor begged while rocking Callahan back and forth, pressure steadily building behind her eyes but the tears refused to fall

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"Please stop crying," Eleanor begged while rocking Callahan back and forth, pressure steadily building behind her eyes but the tears refused to fall. "Please, baby, just go to sleep."

The child's screams just got higher in pitch, causing his mother to flinch at the ear-piercing noise. Eleanor carefully put him down in his crib, starting to pace the room with the heels of her hands digging forcefully into her ears. The woman let out a sob, feelings of frustration and desperation clouding her every thought.

You're a monster, how the hell do you think you could be a mother?

Her brother's words echoed in her head, bringing her back to the day she'd left. The day she'd taken her week old son and started running. It had been months since then, every day alone causing more doubt to flood her mind.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Eleanor cried, dropping to her knees in front of the crib. "I'm so sorry..."

Another sob wracked her body, but her face stayed unnaturally dry. Unnatural. That's what she was now, all because of him. Callahan's father. He had turned her into this thing, just so he wouldn't have to be alone. He had even tried to kill their son, just so he would have her full attention.

All that got him was ripped apart and buried six feet down in the dirt.

He was dead, and that much was a relief to her but as horrible as it was, she could see his reflection in the baby in front of her. The baby that wouldn't. Stop. Screaming.

She looked at her child, someone she was supposed to love with every fiber of her being, and in that moment she just saw the man that had ruined her life.

"I'm so sorry..." her voice cracked, guilt flooding her body as she leant her head down against the bars of the crib. "I failed you. He was right, I'm a monster..."

And then there was blessed silence.

Eleanor's body tensed at the lack of noise, suddenly worried she'd accidentally done something to harm her child. That fear subsided as soon as she looked back up, Callahan's tear stained face just staring over at her as he let out a hiccup.

If she had to breathe, the air would've caught in her throat as he reached out and pressed his tiny hand to her cheek.

Somehow that simple action eased her doubt, her gaze softening as she stood and picked her son up once again.

"Are you sure you're not magic?" Eleanor asked, using her thumb to wipe the tears from his face.

Callahan cooed in answer, nestling his head against his mother's neck. She just pressed her nose against his hair, inhaling deeply. Once the smell had filled her with hunger, but now it did nothing but bring her comfort.

"I'm so sorry that you've been stuck with me, baby," Eleanor mumbled as she heard his breathing slow with sleep. "You deserve so much more than I can give you, but I will try my absolute best to make you happy. And I will protect you for as long as I live."

Feeling as though a weight had been lifted off her chest, Eleanor softly hummed as she laid Callahan down to sleep. She couldn't help but gaze down at him, her finger tracing his small features.

"I love you, my baby."

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