Chapter 1

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It was a magnificently cloudy day in Forks, Washington and Alice was practically jumping up and down in excitement as she and her siblings got ready for their first day of school

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It was a magnificently cloudy day in Forks, Washington and Alice was practically jumping up and down in excitement as she and her siblings got ready for their first day of school. The idea of meeting a bunch of new people making her positively giddy. Jasper did not share the same sentiments as his mate, but nonetheless he watched her with a fond smile as she put in her earrings.

"Today is going to be amazing, I can just feel it!" the short woman exclaimed, earning a scoff from Rosalie as she entered the room.

"You are the only one here excited to start high school again," the blonde remarked, crossing her arms as she stood next to her brother.

"Emmett's excited," Jasper added, having been able to feel the man's excitement even from across the house.

"That's because he likes seeing the poor other boys' faces when he tries out for the football team," Rosalie chuckled, a hint of pride in her voice.

"But then turn it down because..." Emmett chimed in, leaning against the doorframe with his arm slung across Edward's shoulder.

"We can't draw too much attention."

All of them said the words in unison, the phrase practically chiseled into each of their minds.

"Laugh all you want, it's kept us safe for this long," Carlisle said defensively as he walked down the hallway, ready to go to work. "C'mon, I'm driving you all to school."

"Why couldn't we have just pretended to be an age that could drive?" Rosalie complained as they all followed him through the house.

"Because that would mean we have less time here," Carlisle explained, getting a wave of deja vu since the conversation was one they had every time they moved.

"Goodbye! Have a great first day!" Esme called out to them from the living room where she was gathering all the blueprints she'd spent the night before sketching out.

"You too!" Alice replied, remembering that the woman was going into the city for her new job. "Have fun building new houses!"

"And we'll 'have fun' learning stuff we already now," Rosalie muttered under her breath as she got into the car, Emmett laughing and kissing the side of her head as he got in after her.

"Optimistic as always, Rose."


Alice couldn't help but feel a bit self conscious as she sat in her third period class, the only class she had without any of her family. She could feel the eyes on the back of her head as she sat alone at one of the front desks, she could even hear their whispers about her thanks to her enhanced senses. Although she probably would've been able to hear them even without her vampire hearing, given that they weren't really trying to be quiet. She wished Jasper could be there with her, to calm her nerves. To make her feel like her usually bubbly self again.

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