Day 7 [picnic]

547 8 3

Prompt fill: picnic
Romantic pairing
Niko x Aj

"A field? Is that a good idea?" Aj asked curiously.

He and Niko had planned to go on a picnic date for quite some time now, but somehow, something always came up.

This time though, they had made sure to plan ahead. The picnic basket was ready, filled with food and paper plates and the big blanket was stored in the trunk of their car since the last time they had tried this, but had to change their plans when it began raining.

But today was sunny, and according to Aj's weather app, that wasn't supposed to change.

"Our other option is like a park in the center of London. Everyone would come up to us and I want it to be just us." Niko explained.

Aj nodded in agreement, "fairs" constantly getting approached while they were on a date did sound kind of annoying.

He put on his shoes, waiting for Niko to grab his jacket and keys and walked to the car.

"Is it a long drive?" Aj asked, as he made himself comfortable in the passenger seat, taking his shoes off.

Niko walked around the car, getting in the driver seat and turning to put his seat belt on. "You'll take off your shoes regardless, so it doesn't really matter, does it."

He looked up at Aj and threw him an unimpressed look upon seeing that he had his socked feet already up at the dashboard.

"What?" Aj said smugly, "It's called passenger princess for a reason, Nikolas."

Niko rolled his eyes in amusement and shook his head. "Just as long as you don't expect me to carry you to the blanket after you made me set it up."

Aj gasped, holding his hands over his chest. "I have never ever made you carry me anywhere! Even though you are very tall and carrying me wouldn't even be a problem for you." He added, mumbling.

Niko laughed and grabbed his boyfriends hand over the shift stick, placing both their hands into Aj's lap.

Smiling to himself, he started humming to the music on the radio, Aj carefully tracing the skin of the back of his hand and squeezing every now and then to make sure Niko squeezed back and was paying attention to him.

Arriving at the field, Niko drove the car a few feet on the gras, before turning the engine off and opening the door. "I'll get the blanket, wait here." He grabbed the blanket and basket out of the car before slamming the doors shut again.

Niko then quickly laid out the blanket a bit distanced from their car and put the picnic basket on it before jogging back.

Aj sat behind the window, staring out and shaking his head at Niko when he came back. His boyfriend opened the passenger door and swooped Aj up into a bridal carry.

"Niko." Aj was intensely looking at his lover from his place in his arms, squirming around a bit, as Niko walked them to their picnic place.

"Yes?" Niko asked back innocently.

"First of all, you can't complain about carrying me and then do it out of your own volition." Aj leaned even closer, speaking directly to the side of Niko's head, placing his hands on his boyfriend's cheeks. "And if you ever lock me in the car again to be all gentlemanly after, I'll break the window."

Niko snorted, curling Aj's body a tiny bit more into his own. "You got it baby, no more carrying around."

Aj poked his cheek, "That's not what I said, and you know it."

Niko just grinned, placing his boyfriend on the blanket and pulling out the food from the basket.

After setting up, Aj laid himself down, placing his head in Niko's lap and smiling up at him. His boyfriend stroked his face and manoeuvred one of the food containers over to them.

"Grapes?" He asked softly, grabbing a handful when Aj nodded. He held one over his lovers lips, only to pull it back as soon as Aj opened his mouth.

"Nu-uh. Not without working for it." Niko murmerd, other hand loosely tangled in Aj's hair. "Say you love me."

Aj let his eyes fall closed in an attempt not to laugh at Niko's serious face, breathing out an "I love you."

Niko nodded pleased and let Aj take the grape, before holding up another one, raising his brows.

Aj grinned up at him, "I also love your butt. It's cute."

As he chewed the new grape he squinted up at his boyfriend. "Not as cute as mine, but you're working on it."

Niko beamed, "I know, I've been doing squats during gym!", holding the next grape up.

"I noticed!" Aj said cheerfully.

They continued eating their food for a while, laughing and basking in each others company, until the sun began to sink slowly. Putting the empty containers back in the basket, Niko pushed Aj on his back, cuddling up to him and resting his head on his chest.

Aj raised his hand to brush his fingers through Niko's hair. "There's a man on a walk over there."

Niko hummed in response. "I don't see anything."

Aj tugged on a hair strand, only to have Niko poke him in his side in retaliation. "Course you don't, you're a lazy schmuck, who'd just need to turn his head in the other direction."

Niko snuggled his face closer. "But I'm comfy."

Aj snorted and then whispered, "He's in hearing distance in a sec, why does he keep looking at us."

Niko mumbled sleepily, "maybe he's jealous of our love. Or a homophobe. You reckon I need to rock his jaw?"

Aj snorted, "You cried yesterday during a nature documentary."

Niko poked him in the ribs again. "The deer didn’t deserve to die like that, Aj. Don't be heartless."

Aj was about to reply again, but a voice interrupted them. "I don't mean to intrude, but I saw you from over there."  The man explained. "Are you two boys on a date here?"

Niko and Aj sat up slowly, trying to assess the situation. The stranger didn't look aggressive or pissed off, but you could never be too sure. Niko reached for Aj's hand, threading their fingers together.

"We are." It came out slightly like a question, and while Niko had said it with a smile, Aj could hear the underlying readiness of starting a discussion or defending them clear as day.

But to their surprise, the man started smiling at them wistfully. "It's nice to see some young people enjoying this spot." He gestured around the field. "I loved coming here with my late husband for picnics. Just like you are doing now."

Niko and Aj smiled back, incredibly relieved. Their posture relaxed, and they agreed, the field really was beautiful. Especially with the evening sunstreams being captured by the surrounding trees.

For the next minutes they continued talking to the man before he excused himself to carry on with his walk.

"Well then, boys, I better get going. Be good to each other, mhm?"

Niko turned to Aj who was looking after the man, smiling softly and still holding his hand. The sun hit his boyfriend's face just right, and Niko's heart skipped a beat.

He thought back to the ring at home and the flight tickets already booked.

He would be good to Aj, he thought. The best.

~ the end

[1243 words]

[Eh. Today was a slow day, so I dunno about this one. Also it's kinda a prequel of day 5? Or like in the same universe I guess.]

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