Day 11 [self sacrifice]

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Prompt fill: self sacrifice
Romantic pairing
Kenny x Sharky

The air was tense. The evening had started nice and calm, everyone had been relaxed and just happy to finally be together again. Now though, their living room could almost be compared to an active warzone. Niko, Aj and Chunkz on one side, Sharky and Kenny on the other.

"There's only one way how this is gonna end!" Niko said menacingly.

"Come on, Niko. You can't do this to us!" Sharky tried to reason with him, but it was fruitless.

Niko, Aj and Chunkz had formed an alliance of some sorts, and there was no escape. Sharky tried twisting his upper body to the left to sneak around them, but Aj was already there, and he had to move back.

Kenny shook his head sadly. "I can't do this much longer, Sharks." He turned his head away to escape the betrayed look his boyfriend gave him.

"They're right. We can't win against them like this." Kenny tried to give Sharky a reassuring smile, but it came out more like a grimace.

Sharky looked intensely at his lover. How could he just give up? How could he be pressured by the others so easily?

Couldn't he see what was going on? Chunkz was ordering them around, clearly favouring Niko and Aj the whole time and coming up with the most ridiculous excuses for their mistreatment.

Niko was constantly trying to get them away from each other, and every time he successfully managed to wedge a gap between them, Aj somehow managed to squeeze himself in.

This could change their entire future together, and his boyfriend was just gonna give up? "I can't believe you would agree with them! Don't you see what they're trying to do?"

"I didn't say I agree with them!" Kenny exclaimed. "But we're clearly outnumbered and before this gets ugly I just wanted to say that it isn't that important to me!"

Sharky gasped, "it's important to me! I thought we could do this together!"

Chunkz choose that as the perfect moment to weigh in. "See how he's treating you, Sharks? He doesn't care about you, it'll be better when you just forget it. It'll be over soon, just give up on your front. Kenny clearly has!"

Kenny quickly fell him into the sentence. "No, no that's not what I mean! I'm just saying it'll be easier when I'm not here with you! Then you'll have a bit more freedom to move how you want, without me holding you back!"

Sharky got quiet and looked down. Somewhere he knew Kenny had a point, but damn it, why couldn't they have this? Everything had been going so well, until Niko and Aj had suggested this. Why did they agree to it again?

Oh right, the stupid bet. He admitted, that at the time he had found it funny as well, but now? Knowing the outcome of this could fundamentally change their lives forever?

In his mind, he went through the possibilities again. There weren't many, but maybe if he managed to manoeuvre himself to the very edge, Kenny could take care of Niko and then he could easily beat Aj.

He let his gaze wander over the floor, until he saw the perfect opportunity. This surely was what Kenny had seen. His boyfriend must have thought the same as him and now that Sharky realised that this truly was their only option, he raised his head again, finding  Kenny's eyes.

His boyfriend nodded seriously and waited patiently while Sharky made his move. He adjusted his body slowly and by the time Aj realised what he had just done, Sharky had successfully moved to his new spot.

He smiled nervously, "are you sure about this?"

Kenny nodded convinced. "It's me or you. And in this case we need you more than me." Slowly he raised his right hand from the blue spot.

Niko gasped outraged. "He can't do that, he's purposefully loosing his balance! He'll take me down with him!"

Aj turned his head towards Chunkz who sat next to the matt holding the twister spinning wheel. "Chunkz say something, this ain't fair!"

But Chunkz was staring transfixed at Kenny and Sharky, clutching his shirt collar. "A lovers sacrifice!", he whispered.

Kenny breathed out slowly, "so this is the end for me." He glanced sheepishly at his boyfriend. "One last kiss for a selfless man?"

Sharky nodded, blowing Kenny a kiss and replying with a fake teary voice, "I'll never forget you my love!"

With that, Kenny let himself fall down on the twister matt, and dislodged Niko's right hand and left foot from their place while he was going down, which resulted in Niko falling as well.

Both Kenny and Niko were out of the game now, and only Sharky and Aj were left. Their chances to win were rising, Sharky realised.

Chunkz spun the wheel again and cursed when he noticed that the only place Aj would be able to place his hand now, was out of reach for him, because Sharky was occupying the closer ones and he was to short to really reach the other one.

"Oh no, we got played!" Aj groaned. Knowing they had already lost, he began reaching for the spot, but collapsed just before his fingertips made contact.

"Yes! We did it!" Kenny cheered, leaning down to help his boyfriend up and spinning him around in a circle.

"I never doubted you, oh my god, we won!" Sharky jumped into Kenny's arms, kissing him enthusiastically.

"Uh", Aj groaned from his place, still on the floor. "We're never gonna hear the end of this."

Niko nodded sympathetic, letting himself fall down next to him and turned his head to Chunkz. "Why did you let them get away with that anyway. We were already cheating, you easily could have said that's not allowed."

Chunkz shrugged, grinning loopsided. "I totally forgot about the bet. I guess true love wins again."

Niko and Aj burst out laughing at that, all three of them looking over to where Sharky was still kissing Kenny's breath away.

"Maybe they're so distracted they'll forget that they're now allowed to choose movie-night movies for the next month." Niko mumbled hopefully.

Aj nooded seriously, "Yeah, not gonna lie, that was a horror bet. We're gonna have to come up with better ones."

Chunkz tilted his head, "maybe you just gonna have to start picking games you'll definitely win." He poked Aj's side. "Like who can go the longest without admitting to eating my crisps!"

Aj squirmed away from Chunkz's hands, calling out, "it wasn't me, I dunno who ate them!" between laughs, trying to escape the tickling.

Looking at Niko for help, he just so saw him mouthing "I ate them!", before helping Chunkz try to kill him with tickles.

~the end

[1141 words]

[I tried, cuz more was kinda requested, but honestly this was even harder to write and I also kinda drifted away from the pairing in the end. It wasn't really focused on kenny x sharky, so it was a bit easier to write, but I'm not too happy with publishing it as such. Tell me what u think abt it? Writing the pairing kinds feels like default writing when I have no other ideas and that's not cool, so we'll see how that goes in the future.]

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