1. it's gonna go wrong out here.

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Hannah was never fond of confrontation. Even before the world ended, she was the kind of teen that would get picked on and not tell anyone, fearful of the outcome if she told.

A school bully is hardly comparable to her current situation, however. Now, locked in the back of a dark van with four people she'd give her life for, she felt like a small child again.

She took a glance to where she assumed her brother was sat, struggling in the dark. Guilt sat heavy in her chest.

Why didn't they just listen to him?

" It's gonna go wrong out here."

That's exactly what he said. They should've listened, turned back after his words. But no, the stubborn group were in this situation because they wouldn't admit defeat.

Hannah sat with her knees hugged to her chest, shivering in the cold air despite her thick jeans and long sleeved brown t-shirt.

The gash on her cheek, courtesy of good ol' Dwight, stung to the point where her eyes would water every now and then, but nothing could take her attention away from whatever was going on outside.

She'd heard a few of her people through the doors, Rick's trembling voice, Abraham's strong commands, making her feel sick with dread.

The group of five still had no clue as to why the group was there, why they weren't back home in Alexandria, why they weren't safe.

Hannah didn't have a lot of time to dwell on it before being blinded by the lights of what must have been a dozen vehicles as the van doors were opened.

She was roughly and carelessly pulled out and shoved onto her knees, letting out a pained noise as her bruised knees dug into the sharp gravel beneath them.

She took in her surroundings with heavy breaths, her heartbeat so loud it almost overpowered the sound of her older brother's resistance as he was thrown out after her.

She took a good look at everyone one by one. Carl. Eugene. Aaron. Sasha. Rick. Maggie. Abraham. Michonne. Daryl. Rosita. Herself. Glenn.

Her heart sank into the pit of her stomach at Maggie's disheveled state, short hair, and near-blue lips. Why does she look so sick? Is something wrong with the baby?

Glenn seemed to notice at the same time as her, Hannah turning just in time to see his face drop from its scrunched up form, his skin losing its colour.

" Maggie?" He tried to approach, but was dragged back by Dwight, the scrawny man's hand gripping his collar.

Hannah cringed. He's not a dog.

" On your knees!" The blonde demanded, huffing out a chuckle when he meets Hannah's hard gaze, shooting daggers at him, despite her glassy eyes.

One of the saviours who took part in their abduction stepped out in front of them, his large grin making her shiver.

" All right! We got a full boat!" He exclaims, looking around at each and every one of them.
" Let's meet the man."

Hannah wasn't stupid. She was aware that these were Negan's people, and they must have been pretty upset when they found out that Rick and Co had taken out an entire outpost of his. More than upset.

The saviour knocked on the door of the RV behind him, which Hannah recognised straight away as the one belonging to them, the one they had taken with them to the outpost. The one that reminded her of Dale's Winnebago.

Heavy silence ensued as the door opened slowly, a tall man stepping out. Due to the shadow casting over him, she could only see his silhouette, and the outline of a baseball bat swung over his shoulder.

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