Ch 38

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Chapter 38:

 On the second day, the class collects information and contact numbers for parents who come to the parent-teacher conference.

When the form was passed to Qin Yu, he didn't even look at it, and passed it to the next person.

After school that evening, Xie Yi seemed to be on duty, and he dragged Qin Yu to wait for him to finish his duty before they left together.

Qin Yu said: "Waiting for you at the school gate."

But when he walked to the school gate, Qin Yu remembered that he had a test paper in a drawer.

He turned back to the classroom to get it.

But when I walked to the door of the classroom, I heard Yin Bao's voice.

"Xie Yicheng, aren't Qin Yu's parents coming?, aren't his parents available?"

Qin Yu's figure paused.

The boy's footsteps stopped at the door of the classroom.

Xie Yicheng said "ah", "this ......" paused, he hesitated for a moment, and still said to Yin Bao: "Qin Yu's mother divorced his father a long time ago, and his father also passed away soon after, so he ...... He has always been carried by his grandfather, but his grandfather's company is also very busy, where is the time to hold a parent-teacher conference for him. 

The classroom was quiet for a long time before Yin Bao spoke.

The girl's voice sounded a little sad, "Then has no one come to hold a parent-teacher conference for him all along?"

Xie Yicheng said "um", "But Qin Yu is so good, in fact, he doesn't need parents to come."

Later, Yin Bao did not speak again.

Qin Yu stood at the door of the classroom.

The young man had no expression on his face, and he couldn't tell how he felt when Xie Yancheng told Yin Bao everything about him.

It was as if something had been ripped out and thrown on the ground with blood, but suddenly I was a little glad that I didn't care as much about it as I did when I was a child.

The only time I got into a fight with my classmates when I was a child was when I was in the second grade of elementary school, but I have almost forgotten what the specific reason was, but I only remember that after the fight, I was taken to the office by the teacher and asked him to call his parents over.

The little boy's dark eyes were cold, and he stubbornly didn't call.

In the end, the teacher also got angry and went to look through the materials himself.

Finally, I flipped through a phone number on the admission information, which was the phone number of Grandpa Qin Yu.

The teacher was stunned at that moment, and after a long time, he turned his head and looked at Qin Yu.

Children who don't have parents will leave their grandfather's phone.

Maybe it was the teacher's shocked and pitying eyes that stabbed the young Qin Yu fiercely at that moment.

Qin Yu has never cared so much about whether he has parents or not like at that moment.

I care if I have my parents' phone numbers on the information sheet like other children.

After sorting out the forms for the parent-teacher meeting that day, Yin Bao and Xie Yancheng walked out of the classroom together and almost collided with Qin Yu at the door of the classroom.

Xie Yancheng was stunned for a moment.

Qin Yu didn't look at him.

The young man walked into the classroom, bent down to look for the test papers in the drawer, and after finding them, put them in his schoolbag, walked out of the classroom again, and said to Xie Yicheng: "Let's go." "

Leave Yin Bao there alone.

When leaving, Qin Yu felt that Yin Bao's eyes had been looking at him.

For a long time, the corners of the young man's lips twitched slightly, as if he felt a little ridiculous.

It's the same as the teacher back then.

What would she think of him.

A neurotic who has no father or mother, and is uncertain.

Later, on the road, Xie Yancheng, who had not spoken, finally whispered: "I'm sorry, I ...... It wasn't meant to be said.

Qin Yu said: "It's okay. 

The day after the parent-teacher conference, a boy in the classroom lamented that the parent-teacher meeting was over last night, and his mother came home and invited him to a meal of braised pork.

Many students felt the same way.

Some students were very happy, saying that they had improved several places and were praised.

When he was studying in the morning, Qin Yu was doing practice questions.

At this time, Yin Bao's voice was heard.

The girl asked in a low voice, "Can you lend me an eraser?"

Qin Yu paused as he held the pen.

In the middle of the night, the boy took an eraser from his pencil case and put it on her desk.

Yin Bao carefully blocked the eraser with his hand, not knowing what he had painted, and it took a long time before he returned the eraser to Qin Yu.

She said: "The teacher praised you last night and said that you were the first in the whole grade, which is very good.

Qin Yu's hand holding the pen stopped slightly.

He raised his head and met Yin Bao's gaze.

The sunlight outside the window came in, the girl's dark eyes were clear and gentle, handed him a small folded envelope, and said in a soft and serious voice: "This is a reward, continue to work hard."

Qin Yu didn't speak.

At that moment, he looked into her eyes, his heart trembled inexplicably, some hot, some painful, as if he was jumping faster than usual, and even the hand holding the pen was tight.

After a long time, the young man still took the envelope coldly, turned his face away, and did not speak.

When the classroom was empty during the lunch break, Qin Yu slowly took out the small envelope from the pencil case.

Little by little, he unfolded.

On the folded white paper is a painting.

The young man in the painting, with a handsome and cold face, is holding a pen and writing. And behind him, in the background of the painting, there are large fields of flowers. Like blooming in the sun, gorgeous and beautiful.

There is a line of small letters below, which is the handwriting of the girl:

"Congratulations on unlocking the reward of 'Qin Yu's side portrait', and the next reward is 'Qin Yu's portrait'."

Qin Yu looked at the painting for a long time.

This painting was painted temporarily, far less beautiful and delicate than the one on the bulletin board under the teaching building, but the person on the painting, for some reason, seemed to become alive at that moment.

There's a heartbeat, there's a temperature.

It was him, from that moment on, there was a heartbeat, there was a temperature.

The boy slowly gripped the piece of paper.

As if he was afraid of crumpling, he let go of his hand, took out a book, and slowly, carefully, clipped the painting in.

From small to large, with full marksWhen he came home for the exam papers, no one had done such a thing or said anything like that to him.

As if in a dark and silent dream, they all longed for a soft voice to say to him softly: "Good test, this is a reward, continue to work hard next time." 

I longed for the warmth that I couldn't get in this life.

After school that afternoon, Qin Yu went to the campus wall alone to see the two or three little milk cats.

They all grew up a little bit, meowing and rubbing against his palms.

I don't know how long it took, but the young man asked in a low voice, "Is she still coming to see you?"
the little milk cat meowed, as if in response.

After feeding the kittens something to eat and accompanying them for a while, Qin Yu prepared to leave.

But at this moment, someone squatted down next to him and squatted side by side with him under the wall.

Qin Yu turned his head.

He saw Yin Bao.

The evening sunset shone obliquely, and the girl's beautiful and clean side face was dyed crimson.

The heart began to accelerate again uncontrollably, hot and beating so fast that the eardrum trembled.

Strange and uncomfortable feelings.

When Yin Bao's gaze touched him, Qin Yu turned his face away and lowered his eyes coldly.

There was a long silence under the walls.

I don't know how long it took, Yin Bao suddenly said: "Tell you a secret quietly, in fact, I also ...... When I was very young, I didn't have my parents.

Qin Yu put it in the palm of the kitten's head for a moment.

Yin Bao said: "I was brought up by my brother and grandfather. But I may be happier than you, because I now have a brother and ...... who love me very much Foster mother. In

fact, she only has one brother who loves her very much, the so-called adoptive mother, who just came to this world, Feng Ying, the biological mother of Yin Bao, but she quietly recognized Feng Ying as her adoptive mother in her heart.

The girl looked sideways at him, and there was a glint in her dark eyes, "When I was a child, my brother often said to me. Children without mom and dad, don't be afraid of the dark, and don't be afraid of falling, because there are angels who will watch over you and light the way forward for you.

Qin Yu slowly raised his eyes and looked at her.

The warm breeze in June was gentle and soft, blowing through the acacia tree, blowing down some fluffy flowers, falling lightly, accompanied by Yin Bao's smile, very serious, very soft, with the delicate and beautiful of a girl.

"I don't think it's anything, it's just that we're all going to be a little bit stronger than the other kids," she said. When we were sad because of a fall and injury, we had no parents to rely on, so we had to get up on our own. All the joys and sorrows can only be borne by us alone. But if you don't mind, I'm willing to be the one to do that, and share the joys and sorrows with you.

Qin Yu didn't speak.

The girl's cheeks puffed out, and her voice was soft, "It's just that you don't hate me." That night, Qin Yu stayed awake all night.

The heartbeat, which had been hot since the evening and had not slowed down, was still beating violently until this moment. It was as if even breathing was hot, again and again, with a suffocating pain, slow and dense.

In the silence and darkness of the room, the boy raised his arm and blocked his eyes.

It seems to think of what Yin Bao said in the evening.

The girl's voice is soft, and there is a fine light in her dark eyes, and her cheeks are bulging, and she is too cute.

"It's just that you don't hate me.

Qin Yu closed his eyes tightly.

The teenager's voice was low, "No nasty." 

Yes, yes.

I can't wait to hold her tightly.

It's like grasping the only light in life, the bright colors that suddenly appear.

He...... Why would you like someone you didn't like before.

It's her who has changed.

Since when has Yin Bao been a different person. From the moment when the love letter was sent, the stunned girl, and her soft voice stomped her feet: "I won't like you."

 From that day on, she began to change completely.

There is a rippling light in the girl's dark eyes, and the curvature of the corners of her lips is always shallow, becoming smiling, soft, innocent, and sunny. She is good to everyone, but she doesn't deal with him, she doesn't smile at him, she always puffs up like a little pufferfish, because he was the one who hated her at the beginning.

was bullied by him, and he would lose his temper and hold grudges.

Qin Yu remembered the quiz in class, he put the eraser on her desk, but she kept a straight face, pushed the eraser back, and used a notebook and pencil case to block between the two people.

Somehow, the boy chuckled in the darkness.

But smiling and smiling, his dark eyes gradually dimmed.

Today she is kind to him, but it is pity.

Take pity on him for having no father or mother.

But he didn't want her mercy.

He liked her.

The kind of love that wants to take her for himself.

I don't want her to laugh at anyone else.

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