Ch 39

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Chapter 39 

The summer vacation of the first year of high school is coming soon.

The teacher reminded everyone that soon after the start of the second year of high school, there will be a placement test, which is divided into arts and sciences. I hope you can choose and prepare well, and don't forget to discuss with your parents.

After class that day, Xu Yicheng came to Yin Bao's desk, propped up her table, and asked, "Do you choose literature or science?" paused, hesitated, or said: "My parents should let me choose reason, can you also choose reason?"

Yin Bao shook his head.

The girl sighed and whispered, "I'm so bad at math, I must choose an essay."

Qin Yu's hand holding the pen paused.

The boy looked coldly at the math problems in his homework book.

Xu Yicheng was also a little lost over there, "That's it."

 When Xu Yicheng left, Yin Bao poked Qin Yu with his finger, "What do you choose?"

Qin Yu raised his head and looked at her.

After a while, the young man whispered, "Science."

Yin Bao let out a small "oh".

The girl looked a little depressed, lying on the table, her voice soft, "I really envy you people who are good at science."

Qin Yu didn't speak.

However, the boy lowered his eyes slightly, and wrote the words "Selected Text" in the lower left corner of the page.

That summer vacation, Qin Yu almost stayed at home.

Xie Yancheng called, "Come out and play! I'm about to suffocate to death!" What are you doing staying at home all day?"

Qin Yu said: "Study."

Xie Yancheng almost choked, "What are you studying, haven't you finished all three years of high school?"

Qin Yu didn't speak.

The young man looked cold, lowered his eyes slightly, and looked at the textbooks and examination papers of "politics", "history", and "geography" spread out on the table.

He spent a summer learning all three years of knowledge in liberal arts high school, and wondered how to get the same score as hers.

At the beginning of the class placement test, Qin Yu submitted his intention to divide the class, and was admitted to the same class as Yin Bao without accident, and the results of not up or down shocked all the teachers who taught him.

Xie Yancheng, who ran to the science class alone, felt abandoned after learning the truth.

On the day the class was divided, Qin Yu came to the class early.

In the empty class, Qin Yu coldly cleaned up the tables and chairs, found a place by the window, and carefully wiped his desk and the table at the same table with wet wipes. Then put your bag next to you, sit in your seat and wait.

From seven o'clock to half past seven, students began to arrive in the new class.

More and more students came to the new class, and the teenager's heartbeat increased uncontrollably.

Until he finally saw Yin Bao, walking into the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

Yin Bao also saw Qin Yu at a glance.

The girl looked at him in a daze.

This glance was separated by a whole summer vacation, two months, sixty days, and 1,440 hours.

God knows how he survived.

It seemed that until this moment, Qin Yu didn't know how long it had been since he had seen Yin Bao.

Spend a whole summer studying liberal arts and memorizing those obscure knowledge points, just to be able to not be separated from her.

The autumn sun shines in through the window, illuminating the girl's silhouette dimly and softly. He looked into her eyes and heard his own heartbeat, again and again, pounding, pounding, as if the next moment it would jump out of his chest, intense and vivid.

Yin Bao walked to his side, Qin Yu took away the schoolbag placed on the seat next to him, and his voice was very low, "Morning."

But Yin Bao still didn't recover from the shock, "You...... Why did you choose a liberal arts major?"

Qin Yu did not speak.

After a long time, the young man reluctantly pretended to be cold and pulled out a sentence: "It's not interesting to study science." 

Yin Bao:"?"
the girl's cheeks bulged with anger, like a pufferfish, and her voice was soft, "...... Are you talking human words?"

Qin Yu: "......" Yin Bao put down his schoolbag and sat down beside him, "

How many points did you score?" 

Qin Yu reported a score.

Yin Bao's eyes lit up, and she seemed to be a little pleased, "I'm a little higher than you."

Qin Yu looked at her dark eyes.

For a long time, the boy's voice was low, "Hmm." 

The bell has been ringing, and the teacher will be coming soon.

The sun became dazzling and bright, the best autumn in eighteen years, the dust floating in the air, the old electric fan, and the yellowing leaves of the acacia tree outside the window, all of which he had never had in his life.

Suddenly, he heard Yin Bao beside him call him: "Qin Yu."

Qin Yu turned his head away.

The girl's apricot eyes were slightly curved, bright and warm, and she stretched out her hand, "See you again." Please advise me in the future. "

The Autumn Games are just around the corner.

This is the last sports day of the high school students' high school career, and in the third year of high school, they can only retreat and study in the teaching building next door.

The school requires each class to publish a blackboard newspaper related to the sports day, and the whole school will be evaluated at that time.

As Yin Bao, who won the first prize in the city's painting competition, the work of drawing the blackboard newspaper naturally fell on her, and the time was urgent, probably less than two or three days.

As a result, Yin Bao could only draw blackboard newspapers after school.

When the classmates left one by one, she stayed in the classroom to draw the blackboard newspaper.

Qin Yu stood behind Yin Bao and watched her draw a blackboard drawing.

The girl tiptoed and drew a blackboard newspaper on the blackboard.

Qin Yu is below, dutifully being a tool man.

She asked for a chalkboard, a chalk of any color, or a ruler, and he handed it to her.

I don't know how long it was, until someone knocked on the glass window of the classroom.

Yin Bao and Qin Yu turned around at the same time.

It's Xu Yicheng.

He smiled very brightly, outside the window, wearing a jersey, holding a basketball, smiling at Yin Bao, beckoning her to come over.

Xu Yicheng At this time, I was already in the science class, so I was not in the same class as Yin Bao.

Yin Bao got out of his chair, ran to the window, and pushed it open.

Xu Yicheng asked, "I'm going to play basketball next week, will you come to watch?"

Yin Bao nodded, his apricot eyes were bent, and his smile was warm and bright, "Okay."

Xu Yicheng smiled, leaned against the glass window, and teased her: "Remember to bring me water." 

The girl was stunned.

Xu Yicheng smiled: "Only then can I have the motivation to play."

Behind him, Qin Yu held chalk, a blackboard eraser and a ruler in his hands.

The boy looked out the window in silence and coldly.

With a "snap", the chalk in his hand accidentally broke.

The next day, Qin Yu didn't speak to Yin Bao all day.

It wasn't until the end of school in the afternoon that the math exam paper came down, and Yin Bao poked Qin Yu's arm.

Qin Yu didn't speak coldly.

The girl asked in a low voice, "You did so well in mathematics, can you make it up for me?"

Qin Yu held the pen for a moment, and replied coldly: "No." After a pause, "You ask Xu Yicheng to make up for you." 

Yin Bao: "......" The girl's cheeks bulged and she leaned over, "Are you angry?"

Qin Yu: "No."

Yin Bao said: "It feels like you've been making trouble all day, and you don't talk to me."

Qin Yu packed his schoolbag, stood up, and said in a cold voice: "I didn't talk to you before.

Yin Bao said: "That was before, you will talk to me every day now."

Qin Yu was silent.

The boy put his schoolbag on his back and walked out of the classroom indifferently.

Yin Bao followed behind him, like a little tail, "Where are you going?"

Qin Yu replied coldly: "Go home." 

Leaving Yin Bao standing alone.

After a long time, the girl stomped her feet angrily, and her voice was soft.

"It's cloudy, it's here again. "

Qin Yu: Good gas ('??) =3

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