Veiled Shadows: Dreamer's Echo

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Following Pete's orders, Babe transformed into his invisible form and silently infiltrated the boys' house. As he hovered in the living room, he overheard Jeff and Dean discussing their university work and various mundane aspects of their lives.

Jeff: "This assignment is getting on my nerves. I swear, Dean, if I have to deal with one more research paper..."

Dean chuckled in response, commiserating with the shared struggles of student life.

Dean: "I feel you, Jeff. But hey, once we're done with this, we can celebrate."

Babe, in his unseen state, absorbed the ordinary conversation, detecting no hints of supernatural elements. The talk revolved around typical university challenges and plans for the future.

As Babe continued his invisible exploration, he observed the typical belongings in the house – textbooks, laptops, and everyday items. The atmosphere remained distinctly ordinary, devoid of any mystical traces.

Concluding his unseen reconnaissance, Babe returned to the demon hunter headquarters to share his findings with Pete.

Pete, addressing the team as Babe reappeared.

Pete: "Babe, what did you discover?"

Babe, resuming his visible form, relayed the information.

Babe: "The names of the boys are Jeff and Dean. They were just talking about uni stuff. Nothing supernatural. Their home is like any other, Phi."

Pete, acknowledging the challenge posed by the apparent normalcy, emphasized the need to dig deeper into the boys' lives.

Pete: "Continue the investigation. There's more to uncover. We can't afford to overlook anything."

While Alan was busy working on his research, a sudden blur disrupted his surroundings. Ghostly shadow materialized before him, their forms unclear and mysterious.

Shadow: "Do you remember, Alan?"

Alan got surprised and stepped back when he saw the shadow figures. Pete noticed and asked him what happened, but Alan decided to keep the strange scene to himself.

Pete: "Phi, what's wrong? Are you alright?"

Alan: " N.. Nothing!. okay"

Alan, still processing the unexpected encounter, chose not to share the details, keeping the mysterious vision hidden within the depths of his thoughts.


As Babe continued his investigation, he made his way to the university canteen, where Dean and Jeff engaged in a typical conversation.

Dean and Jeff, chatting.

Dean: "This class is driving me crazy. I can't wait for the weekend."

Jeff laughed in agreement, the conversation seemingly ordinary.

Meanwhile, Kim and Charlie were comforting Way, who seemed disturbed by the dream from the previous night. Intrigued by this unusual scene, Babe positioned himself discreetly, attempting to listen in on their conversation.

Kim: "Phi, dreams can be strange. Don't let it get to you too much."

Charlie, injecting a bit of humor, added, "Yeah, next time dream about a beach vacation or something."

Kim, asking Way about the dream.

Kim: "Phi, can you tell us more about the dream? What exactly happened?"

Way, grappling with the vivid memories of the dream, began sharing the details.

Way: "It was strange. I saw these shadows, like wisps of memories or something. They were trying to say something to me, but then these evil beings appeared. It got intense, like a battle between the shadows and these menacing entities."

As Way shared the details, Babe, still invisible, listened closely, sensing the tension in the dream and the symbolic clash between shadows and malevolent entities. The unfolding narrative hinted at a mystery that the demon hunters were eager to unravel.

Babe discreetly observed them, and his attention was drawn to Charlie's arm as he comforted Way. Noticing a faint mark on Charlie's arm, a sense of familiarity struck Babe – he had seen a similar mark somewhere before.

Babe, to himself focusing : " Where have I seen this mark?? "

Invisible yet attentive, Babe's keen eyes focused on the mysterious mark, sparking a subtle recognition that added another layer of intrigue to the unfolding story.

In the dimly lit demon hunters' headquarters, Pete, the leader lost in thought, watched as Kenta and North engaged in a lively sparring session. Kenta, wanting a more serious approach, tried to rein in North's playfulness.

Kenta: "North, can we focus a bit? Training needs some seriousness."

North: "Seriousness? Where's the fun in that, Kenta? Lighten up!"

Their banter echoed through the room until Winner, the embodiment of discipline, decided it was time to intervene.

Winner: "Enough, North."

With a wave of his hand, Winner used his power, hushing North and bringing an unexpected silence while he sewed his mouth shut.

North: muffled "Mmmph! Real funny, Winner."

Pete: "What's happening here?"

Kenta: "Just trying to get North to take things seriously."

Winner: "Silence can speak louder than words sometimes."

Babe returned to the demon hunters' headquarters, his invisible reconnaissance completed. As the team gathered around, eager for the findings, Babe began recounting his observations.

Babe: "Alright, folks. I snooped around the boys' place and the university. No signs of anything supernatural. However, something caught my attention at the university canteen."

Pete, intrigued, leaned forward, prompting Babe to continue.

Babe: "There's this guy, Way, who was describing a dream to his friends Kim and Charlie.  Which I found weird. But what struck me as odd was that Charlie—specs guy—has a mark on his arm. Slightly visible, but I swear I've seen it somewhere before. Can't quite put my finger on it, though."

Alan: " Can you show me that mark or draw? "

Babe: " Sure phii! "

Pete: "Babe What exactly did he say about his dream? We might find some clues there."

Babe, though still invisible, nodded in acknowledgment and proceeded to provide a detailed account of Way's dream.

Babe: "Alright, Phi. Way described seeing shadows trying to communicate with him. But things took a darker turn when evil beings appeared, engaging in some sort of conflict with the shadows. It was  usual dream chaos, but there's an underlying tension to it."

As Pete absorbed Babe's account of Way's dream, a spark of realization ignited in his mind. Leaving him in an utter shock.


Author's note:  I hope you liked it... Please show some love bubbly pumpkins... I'll see u guys in next episode till then take care of yourselves and I love you all💕😚

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